I am about to start my fourth or fifth cycle in a couple weeks. It will be about 4 years since my last cycle though. I am thinking 12 weeks of Test at 600-800mg a week (havent locked that in yet. open to advice of course). Then doing another cycle of Test&tren 2-3 months after PCT. I am embarrassed to say this will be my first PCT ever. I was reading the stickies and wanted to know opinions on the following PCT for me?

Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

A little info about me. I am 29 years old, 5'10, 178 lbs @ 11% BF. i got my BF checked yesterday by the way. After a short layoff i have been training steadily for about 5 months. Upper body feels good but i admit my legs and abs need work. Any info you guys can give me on PCT and maybe help me settle on my Test dose for the first cycle that would be great. Thanks in advance for any info you can toss my way!