Hi. I need an answer from aprofesional or if there's anybody can helps me out with this...

this is my cycle:

week-Sustanon -Deca -Nolva

01 250 mg 200 mg
02 250 mg 200 mg 20 mg
03 250 mg 300 mg 20 mg
04 250 mg 400 mg 20 mg
05 250 mg 400 mg 20 mg
06 250 mg 300 mg 20 mg
07..............200 mg 20 mg
08..............200 mg 20 mg

09 OFF

PCT (Post Cycle Teraphy):


10 20 mg 300 mg/1st day - 100 mg/day
11 20 mg 100 mg/day
12 20 mg 50 mg/day

My questions are:

1- For this cycle should I need to include HCG ? (...if it's necessary I would like to know when and how??? cos there's many theories out there. There's people who thinks that u should run HCG somewhere while the cycle, some other people that u should run it before the PTC... so that's my dilema, I'd never got a clear answer about it...also I think that should be a difference about what kind of steroids , cycles...etc. I've read an article that says HCG it wouldn't be necessary for a cycle lesser than 8 weeks, and u should include it for cycles up to 10 - 12 weeks or longer)

2- Should I stop about 2 weeks before to start a PTC? if sustanon it's avoided the last two weeks of the cycle and the last shot it's deca...7 to 9 days it would be enough?

3- (The last one) should I change nolva for aromasin 0.5 mg every day during the cycle?

Thank's a lot. I started today and I want to do this cycle in a safety way as possible cos the last one (my first) I didn't take many precautions (just nolva, proviron and at the end 7 days clomid) that was 6 months ago and it costs me 6 to 7 kilo down of 15 kilo and a slow recovery (same cycle). I post my cycle here so it should be easy to help with ideas. Thank's again