Well Ill start out with the stats:
Age: 24
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 205-210 lbs
BF %: 14% on a caliper
Training: 9 years
Cycle Exp: Ill say none because i did the whole Dbol only thing once(had a pct)

Im goin to be running Test E at 500 per week for 10-12 weeks and Dbol for the 1st 4 week at 50mgs ed

Planned PCT is Nolva 40mgs for 2 weeks and then drop down to 20mgs for 4 weeks then clomid at 100mgs for 1 wk/ed and then 50mgs for 3 wks/ed

but the the question would Aromasin be a viable substitute for the Clomid at 20-25mgs ed for 3 to 4 weeks?

thanks in advance