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Thread: HGC and Nolva

  1. #1
    Myers99 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008

    HGC and Nolva

    I'm running test prop for 10 weeks, am currently on my third week at .5 cc every 3 days and already have seen great results. Because I'm on my first cycle I'm not sure about pct. but after talking to some buddies and doing some research I've desided to do this

    Week 11-12 HCG twice a week monday friday 250iu's
    Week 11-13 40mg of nolva
    Week 13-16 20mg of nolva

    Just wondering if you guys think this could be successful...
    Keep in mind that i dont have access to armidex or liquidex
    Has anyone ran a successful pct with HCG and nolva?
    any comments about dosage would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    -assuming your gear was 100mg/cc of test prop, you were doing roughly 100mg of prop/week (.5cc x E3D)? That's slightly higher than what your body can produce naturally and less than typical TRT I question any actual benefit from it apart from a placebo effect OR you were hypogonadic to begin with

    - HCG at 250iu 2x a week is weak and useless... you need to atleast aim for 250iu ED...but hey, since your test prop dosage seems week, i doubt u even need HCG

    - you don't need to go up to 40mg of nolva; 20 will do the trick. Get your hands on some clomid if u can IMHO (alot of folks find clomid an old school PCT compound but I find it an excellent addition to nolva)...

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