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Thread: pct for sdrol

  1. #1
    callmethor is offline New Member
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    pct for sdrol

    I am just completing 4 weeks of s-drol at 20mg per day. I am going to use 20mg of nolvadex and 50mg of clomid along with 25mg of proviron for 4 weeks. Does this look like a suitable pct?

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by callmethor View Post
    I am just completing 4 weeks of s-drol at 20mg per day. I am going to use 20mg of nolvadex and 50mg of clomid along with 25mg of proviron for 4 weeks. Does this look like a suitable pct?
    Looks good. I'd drop the Clomid to 50mg/ED for 1-2 weeks, then 25mg/ED therafter.

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