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Thread: limp dick..

  1. #1
    od404's Avatar
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    limp dick..

    off the juice bout 4 months, done 500 sus 400 deca ew for 8 weeks, and clomid for pct, yet having sex is like trying to play pool with a rope, im assuming my test must be low, is there anything to bring it back up?? someone suggest more clomid but im sure i read before that they actually dont boast test levels, as thought before, im 25 and dont want to have to depend on viagra, hcg maybe?? ive never ran that before?? help!!!

    p.s i know my pct was piss poor but that wat was all i could get at time!!

  2. #2
    Elias is offline Associate Member
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    no hcg wont do u good here.....
    what was ur pct consiting off?? Clomid at what dose??? so u can get better help....

  3. #3
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    get some nolvadex and aromasin .

  4. #4
    od404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elias View Post
    no hcg wont do u good here.....
    what was ur pct consiting off?? Clomid at what dose??? so u can get better help....
    bout 100mgs for week, 50mg for second week, juicing on and off 3/4 years, use to get away with it in early 20s, but im near 26 now and starting to feel the crunch,cant even get it up for a wank its that bad..
    recon i bang some hcg in or is it to late??, of the juice 4/5 months... thanks.

  5. #5
    od404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J0k3R View Post
    get some nolvadex and aromasin.
    can get nolva, will give it ago, i thought that was for gyno though, pain in tits, which never occured with me,

  6. #6
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by od404 View Post
    can get nolva, will give it ago, i thought that was for gyno though, pain in tits, which never occured with me,
    Its not just for gyno. You can use it to boost testosterone levels as well.

  7. #7
    john1181's Avatar
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    get some proviron and run it for 3months..1 tab 3x's a day..i have some here and in the paper instructions it says its for people who lack sex life it helps bring back levels but no ore than that..also you have to take it with a sip o water not a cup...bro look up maca, panax ginseng..hose two are a must along with evening primrose...i have been in your shoes and it was bad i was taking viagra..i have done like 10cycles im 26..from the day i met panax ginseng and proviron my sex life hasbeen very healthy and also stop drinking..only red wine dry..also get some tribulus..look up pegeum, miura pauma..believe it or not those herbs will help a lot..butnot in a month..after about month 2 you will be back to normal when you off the proviron wich will also be good as a long bridge then jump on some nolvdex for 3weeks 20mg/day..
    ps, you will need some cialis or viagra until yor back to ormal but dont over do it...(thats if you have a girl) ifyou patient and wait for your sh*t to come back...also royal jelly speeds the processof all these herbs as i have wont regret it!
    musts: maca, panax ginseng, tribulus, miura pauma, ,multivitamin, efa's, vitamin e...o br also get some zma...erectile disfunction is very serious..i almost broke up with mygirl bcause sex was sooo bad..i looked up everything and went and bought it all..i had to use viagra tho to keep her seamed like evening primrose helped with longer erections...good luck bro...i know how bad you must feel...for future reference, i would stay away from deca ..try sticking with milder anabolics like anavar ..its either your jimmy or a huge can have nice body and and still be able to f*ck..its all on you..pce

  8. #8
    john1181's Avatar
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    "It should also be noted that Proviron also binds very well to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin…a hormone responsible for reducing the amount of circulating free testosterone in your body)(1). As a matter of fact, in the last study I read, it bound to SHBG better than any other drug studied." the instructions paper i have here says in greek "for lack of sexual desire and test deficiency take 25g 3x's a day for up to 4months..

  9. #9
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    cabergoline end of story the end

  10. #10
    john1181's Avatar
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    cabergoline definitely..nice..i read about it a while back but the side effects werent very plesant...

    Sex and Cabergoline

    By David Jay Brown

    Cabergoline is a fairly new pharmaceutical that has enormous potential to aid male stamina. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of carbergoline is that it has been found to substantially raise a man’s chances of sustaining multiple orgasms during sex. Some men on cabergoline are able to have numerous multiple orgasms in rapid succession.

    Cabergoline, which is marketed under the trade name of Dostinex, is used to treat Parkinson's disease, to prevent women producing milk when they want to stop breast feeding, and to lower prolactin levels in patients with a pituitary tumor. It is also sometimes used to help men with sexual dysfunction.

    It is cabergoline’s capacity to lower prolactin levels that makes it such a sexual wonder drug for men. Prolactin is a single-chain protein hormone, closely related to growth hormone , that stimulates the secretion of milk of women. The hormone also has the effect of reducing a man’s desire for more sex by preventing new erections. Cabergoline has been found to to minimize the effects of the hormone prolactin, which is produced by men at the point of orgasm. As a result, some subjects who tried the drug found that they were able to have multiple orgasms in rapid succession.

    In one study, 60 subjects, all healthy males, between the ages of 22 and 31, normally needed a break of 19 minutes between lovemaking sessions. However, after taking Cabergoline, they were able to have several orgasms within a few minutes. Medical psychologist Manfred Schedlowski, who was involved in the trials at Essen in Germany, said the drug raised the libido to enable the male to orgasm again more quickly.

    Schedlowski said, "We saw that prolactin rises after orgasm and then thought maybe prolactin is a negative feedback system. Subjects who took this drug had decreased prolactin levels, and reported their orgasm was better and there was a shorter refractory period. We interviewed these subjects and found they were able to have multiple orgasms in very rapid succession. This is sitting very nicely with our hypothesis that orgasms and sexual drive are steered by prolactin and dopamine in the brain."

    Cabergoline was reported to have no side effects on men during the tests, according to a paper that was published in the International Journal of Impotence Research. However, there may be a drawback. There’s evidence that the release of prolactin in the brain, which surges during orgasm, promotes the growth of new neurons in the brain--a process called neurogenesis. Researchers at the University of Cal-gary discovered that the release of prolactin spurs the growth of new brain cells in the front regions of the brain involved in smell. So Cabergoline may allow men to have multiple orgasms at the expense of
    less brain growth. Sounds like a tough call to me.

    Researchers are carrying out trials to investigate whether Cabergoline will have similar effects on women. Some anecdotal reports suggest that the drug has the potential to enhance the intensity of orgasms in both men and women.

    Cabergoline may be purchased on line under the name of "Dostinex" at World Remedian

    For those interested in purchasing Cabergoline online we recommend that you deal only with vendors that have been recommended to you by someone you know. There are a lot of unscrupulous dealers on the net that should not be trusted.

    We have found the best price and service for "Dostinex" Cabergoline at an online drugstore called World Remedian.

    You can buy it if you scroll down to "Dostinex" in this link.


    Copyright 2005

    look up side effects..pce

  11. #11
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    remove the links bro, we dont need to knwo where to get this. but good find, i knew about that study involving frontal brain tissue growth and only heard it was a factor when used for over a year straight at close to 1mg. that is too high a dose and too long a duration, Caber should start work in about 2 weeks and have its most prominant effects by 12-14 (multiple orgasm mode) but i reccomended this as DECA is most likely the cause of your ED right now.
    arimidex .25mg EOD 6 weeks then taper down
    Nolva 20mg ED 4-5 weeks no taper needed IMHO
    Cabaser .5mg 2x per week (tablets) 3 months
    Cialis 10mg day 1 5mg day 2 5mg EOD thereafter until you think your fixed

    proviron is great but overkill with all I mentioned here, however I might be apt to use it alongside faogia aggrestis at 25mg ED once this PCT is finished

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    hey limpy just have ur gf contact me.
    ill take care of business.

  14. #14
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    ^^^WTF? dont the rules say you can try and be funny after 100 posts?

  15. #15
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    hey limpy just have ur gf contact me.
    ill take care of business.
    Don't say sh1t like that again.

  16. #16
    od404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post
    get some proviron and run it for 3months..1 tab 3x's a day..i have some here and in the paper instructions it says its for people who lack sex life it helps bring back levels but no ore than that..also you have to take it with a sip o water not a cup...bro look up maca, panax ginseng..hose two are a must along with evening primrose...i have been in your shoes and it was bad i was taking viagra..i have done like 10cycles im 26..from the day i met panax ginseng and proviron my sex life hasbeen very healthy and also stop drinking..only red wine dry..also get some tribulus..look up pegeum, miura pauma..believe it or not those herbs will help a lot..butnot in a month..after about month 2 you will be back to normal when you off the proviron wich will also be good as a long bridge then jump on some nolvdex for 3weeks 20mg/day..
    ps, you will need some cialis or viagra until yor back to ormal but dont over do it...(thats if you have a girl) ifyou patient and wait for your sh*t to come back...also royal jelly speeds the processof all these herbs as i have wont regret it!
    musts: maca, panax ginseng, tribulus, miura pauma, ,multivitamin, efa's, vitamin e...o br also get some zma...erectile disfunction is very serious..i almost broke up with mygirl bcause sex was sooo bad..i looked up everything and went and bought it all..i had to use viagra tho to keep her seamed like evening primrose helped with longer erections...good luck bro...i know how bad you must feel...for future reference, i would stay away from deca..try sticking with milder anabolics like anavar..its either your jimmy or a huge can have nice body and and still be able to f*ck..its all on you..pce
    thanks mate, got some nolva and proviron tonight, gonna see how that goes for 3 weeks..

  17. #17
    od404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stallion_1 View Post
    hey limpy just have ur gf contact me.
    ill take care of business.

    knock urself out pin dick
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails limp dick..-fat-bitch.jpg  

  18. #18
    john1181's Avatar
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    i dont think 3 weeks is enough..i hope so bro..if its your first or second cycle i could be enough..but still have some cialis or viagra in hand (the lowest dose)...ok listen since i posted to many things till get some panax ginseng and some evening'l cost you like 20bucks and will help very much bro..good luck again

  19. #19
    RavensFan2k3 is offline New Member
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    Hey....I've been taking cabergoline for a few months now, but recently I've been reading that there could be some negative effects to lowering prolactin too low. It said that the HPTA could become desensitized and that it could lower testosterone just as much as high prolactin....Is this true?

  20. #20
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    how much are you taking? I will look into that but I havent heard of that happening to anyone. it does make sense but I would think the first thing to go would be natty dopamine production thus lowering testosteron form the pituitary, that theory makes sense but I really would think it woul take a while since the compound takes a while to work in the first place, and i never run it long at all. I will def look into that right now

  21. #21
    RavensFan2k3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    how much are you taking? I will look into that but I havent heard of that happening to anyone. it does make sense but I would think the first thing to go would be natty dopamine production thus lowering testosteron form the pituitary, that theory makes sense but I really would think it woul take a while since the compound takes a while to work in the first place, and i never run it long at all. I will def look into that right now
    I'm taking .5mg 2x a week. I've been taking it since March. How long would be too long...and could it really stop natural dopamine production? And will me not taking it start natural dopamine production again, if it does so stop?

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