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Thread: pct dilema

  1. #1
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    pct dilema

    Hey all. So I know the benefits of a proper pct. Get my natural test back up, keep my gains, avoid bad sides like gyno and bein limp for weeks. Here is my problem. I am having sides from my pct, pretty sure it is from the nolvadex . I have felt like crap all week after starting my pct and for a minute just thought I had a flew virus but yesterday didn't get home until late and hadn't taken my nolva yet. Felt great at a bbq, had my appetite back and didn't feel nausea at all. Got home, took my liquid nolva and within 20-30minutes started feeling nausea and light headed again and felt this way all night and day until about 2 hours ago when it was time to take another dose. Should I just skip it and take liquidex? If I can't lift to keep my gains or feel good enough to even want sex what's the point of taking the nolvadex? Any advice will be much appreciated.. I'm thinking just clomid, liquidex and some tribulus????

  2. #2
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    Any help??

  3. #3
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    well if u dont think ur having any gyno problems, just stick to the clomid and liquidex.

  4. #4
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    liquidex will help with gyno as well won't it? What about gettin my test back up?

  5. #5
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Confederate States
    thats why ur gonna take clomid to get ur test back up. do a 4 week pct. first 2 weeks do 150 mg clomid a day and the last 2 weeks do 100 mg of clomid.

  6. #6
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bro. You think the trib will be a waste? I ran the nolva for 1.5 weeks and will run the clomid the next 3 then. It's surprising cuz researching it says more side from clomid but I'm good on that.

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