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  1. #1
    TTLex is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    HCG with Adex/ Nolva?????

    Im starting my HCG a little late in the game. Its the last week of a 14 week cycle, I just started it up. Ive been taking .50 ADex EOD during my cycle. I will be taking the HCG @ 500iu ED for 3 weeks......basically right up to my PCT. Does this sound right, or is it overkill?

    Also, I have read that you should take 20mg of Nolva while taking the HCG. I have also been told to continue to take the Adex @ .5ed while taking the HCG. The thing with that is I have read that you shouldnt use the Adex and Nolva together......this shit is confusing me!!!

    Does my HCG dosages look right?
    SHould I take the Adex up to PCT with the HCG, and the Nolva.....just the Nolva....just the Adex?????

    Help a brother out please!

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    No need for Nolva while using hCG unless youre using ridiculous doses of hCG.

    The purpose of using Nolva while on hCG is to stop desensitization. Which like i said, will happen in HIGH doses.

  3. #3
    TTLex is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    would 1000iu ed for 10 to 15 days be considered an extremely high dosage?

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Lol yes...

    Where and who told you that was a good dose?

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