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  1. #1
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    Lightbulb xpertz help needed! very low hormone levels, even though PCT finished for a while...

    Hi there,

    My problem is a very Low Libido / Erectile Dysfunction, which is caused of:

    - low DHEA-S: 318 ug/dl (that equals a 50yr old man, although i am just 25 yrs old)

    - low Estradiol: 16 pg/ml (reference level 8 - 43)

    - low Testosteron: 3 ng/ml (reference level 3 - 8)

    - low LH; 1,5 mIU/ml (reference level 2 - 12 !!!)

    (FSH is okay, 5 mIU/ml, ref. 1 - 8)

    And here is what happened before:

    After a 10 month anabolic cycle (600mg Testoserone E. / week) i started a PCT like this (2 weeks after last injection) :

    - week 1-4: arimidex (0.25mg e2d)
    - week 1-6: chlomid (50mg / ed)
    - week 4-6: tamoxifene (25mg / ed)

    It has now been about six month after the last inject of Testosterone. PCT is finished for about 18 weeks now...

    I am sure, there are alot of experts on this forum and I hope, that someone can help me with this.

    The use of Cialis, Tribulus, Yohimbine, Viagra and MT2 is still not really satisfying...

    - My Idea: Should I use HCG for a few days and then start a cycle with chlomid again (50mg / ed for about 4 weeks) ?

    Thanks for help.
    Last edited by anabolic-abuse; 07-28-2009 at 06:40 PM.

  2. #2
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    ummm... so wait... you were on Test-E for 10 months straight?

    You never dropped that dosage down to cruise (IE) 200mg each week? or did you just stick to 600mg all the way through the cycle..

    If you stayed on test @ that dosage (600mg) for 10 months straight, there is a high possibility you have wrecked your body's ability to produce testosterone naturally..

  3. #3
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    i have been using 600mg of test. per week for 10 month.

    edit: thats why i need experts advice / help now :/

  4. #4
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic-abuse View Post
    i have been using 600mg of test. per week for 10 month.

    edit: thats why i need experts advice / help now :/
    Well to be honest, I'd just run another PCT, and see if you can get things jump-started again. However, this time I'd look into utilizing an extended PCT.


    Extended protocol sample for a 12+ month cycle:
    Day 1-15_ .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva
    Day 16-45_.25mg L-dex + 75mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva
    Day 46-65_.25mg L-dex + 20mg Nolva
    Day 66-80_.25mg L-dex

    Did you utilize any HCG while on the 10 month cycle / while leading up to PCT?

    Also, why in god's name would you EVER do that cycle? and with only 1 compound the whole time. that's really, really foolish. Not to mention pretty pointless, test gains tapper drastically after a few months...

  5. #5
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your fast reply.

    To your question:
    No, I did not use hcg during the test.-cycle.

    Unfortunately I cannot undo those mistakes now ...

    Edit: What does "L-Dex" stand for?
    Last edited by anabolic-abuse; 07-28-2009 at 06:52 PM.

  6. #6
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic-abuse View Post
    Thanks for your fast reply.

    To your question:
    No, I did not use hcg during the test.-cycle.

    Unfortunately I cannot undo those mistakes now ...
    haha... true bro, true.

    Ok, well honestly I'd follow the PCT protocol I just posted, and hope to god that you are able to recover your natty-test production. If not, you're going to have to talk to an endocrinologist, as you may be forced to go onto TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) for the rest of your life.

    This is gunna sound pretty homo... but how are you balls? they must be pretty shrunk hey?

    Good luck bro!
    Last edited by seriousmass; 07-28-2009 at 06:56 PM.

  7. #7
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    Thank You!

    The Balls look great kidding.. they are at least grown back to a "normal size" since I finished PCT.

    I think, the libido problems are most likely the combination of low test AND low estrogen, and possibly low LH...

    Clomid should at least raise LH levels and help achieve higher test-levels, right?

    But what to do about the low estrogen? I am afraid, that using an AI (l-dex?) would totally **** up estrogen levels... :/

  8. #8
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic-abuse View Post
    Thank You!

    The Balls look great kidding.. they are at least grown back to a "normal size" since I finished PCT.

    I think, the libido problems are most likely the combination of low test AND low estrogen, and possibly low LH...

    Clomid should at least raise LH levels and help achieve higher test-levels, right?

    Yes - Clomid will do both these two things.

    But what to do about the low estrogen? I am afraid, that using an AI (l-dex?) would totally **** up estrogen levels... :/
    Use an AI (l-dex) during the extended PCT protocol. What this will do is eliminate around 98% of total free estrogen... And then the SERM's (nolva / clomid) will work at raising LH / block the estrogen receptors in breast tissue simultaneously.

    Continue taking viagra / cialis during PCT, you'll definitely need it, as your estrogen levels will be DRAMATICALLY lowered = high possibility for erectile dysfunction.

  9. #9
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    And you think the estrogen levels can (hopefully) raise up again to a certain level after this pct is done?

  10. #10
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolic-abuse View Post
    And you think the estrogen levels can (hopefully) raise up again to a certain level after this pct is done?

    But, I'd stick to worrying more about your testosterone levels recovering for now..

  11. #11
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    Any other suggestions?

  12. #12
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Use an AI (l-dex) during the extended PCT protocol. What this will do is eliminate around 98% of total free estrogen... And then the SERM's (nolva / clomid) will work at raising LH / block the estrogen receptors in breast tissue simultaneously.

    Continue taking viagra / cialis during PCT, you'll definitely need it, as your estrogen levels will be DRAMATICALLY lowered = high possibility for erectile dysfunction.

    So if he has low testosterone levels , therfore low estrogen levels...And has BW to prove it. Why an earth would he want to lower estrogen further?

    AI's dont, "...eliminate around 98% of total free estrogen". Letro does. Arimidex and Aromasin dont.

    What will, " at raising LH / block the estrogen receptors in breast tissue simultaneously". Blocking E in the breast tissue have to do with restarting an HPTA?


    You dont need an AI.

    You shouldnt have done a 10month cycle and think you'll bounce back immediately. Do you compete?

    If your HPTA doesnt bounce back after the extended use of SERMs. Your not going to recover and will require HRT. Simple as that.

    wk 1-4 Clomid 50mg/ED
    wk 4-8 Clomid 25mg/ED
    wk 1-8 Tamox 20mg/ED

    That doesnt work, nothing will.

  13. #13
    anabolic-abuse is offline New Member
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    That makes a little more sense to me.

    I have ordered Clomid and Tamox and will try it out.

    Thanks for your advice

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