After being on a 2 yr hiatus from gear (shoulder inj.), i started my 3rd cycle 3 weeks ago. it consists of:

Weeks 1-6 D-bol 25mg/ed
Weeks 1-12 Test Enan 600mg/wk

So far so good. 26 days in and up 18lbs. Started using a-dex .25mg/eod in wk 2 and i am dryin up quick. So here is my PCT, just looking for suggestions

Weeks 14-17 a-dex .25mg/eod
Clomid 100/50/50/50
IGF-LR3- (still looking into this, dosages, etc..)

I also have Nolva, Letro, Aroma. I am not using nolva due to most people say it messes with IGF levels while on PCT. Thanks for the input bros.