Hi all, I'm needing a PCT before I start my Cyp cycle and have been reading a LOT lately on all the PCT threads. It gets a little confusing after awhile and I just want whats best and will not hinder gains. I've read Swifto's, Pheedno's, Pinnacle's and Drummerboy's thread on PCT's and am still unsure what to go with. They're all GREAT threads, its just some of them seem to contradict the other.

I'd rather not have any type of joint pain, so unsure about Arimidex . I'm a little worried about Gyno but not enough to keep me from doing this. I know a Test only cycle is a basic cycle and a harsh PCT isn't needed so what do I do?

I guess I just need a little help with this, so many options. I read about Aromasin as well, is it available still? Didn't see it on the sponsor's site. Not sure I can get HCG either. Not sure its affordable at this time either.

BTW, I'm 31, 260lbs and have been lifting naturally for 16yrs.

Thanks guys/girls.