Hello, I have been lurking off and on for the past 4 years and I have learned so much from you guys, unfortunately, I don't think I have followed the advice as closely as I should have.

My problem is that after going on 2 cycles in 06 and 07, I seriously think that I've been the victim of fake clomid and nolva. Libido is still there, however the soldier just dosen't act like he's ready for battle.

Those 2 cycles weren't my first 2 ever, but they were however my first ones to include tren . They were as followed: wks 1-8 tren, 1-10 test. Pct was clomid and nolva, no caber which I regret.

I have seen my doc about this. Got bloodwork done, twice I might add, and everything was normal, allegedly. He gave me viagra, of all things, but I don't like it.

I understand that my prolactin levels could be elevated, but the doctor didn't indicate that.

After rambling, my main question is, do you guys think that it is ok to run ar's clomid and nolva to assist me in getting my levels back to normal? I'm interested in ordering some caber as well.

By the way, I'm 39, 6'0 225, 12-15% bf, maybe a little less than that. Thanks for reading.