All right just took my last injection today finished a 12 weeks course of test enanthate at 400mg/week
begginer cycle worked really well went from 85kg 145bf to 92kg currently 95 body fat how much size ill hold remains to be seen tho

firstly id like to thank all the guys on here for the advice throughout and for the tips on pinning which now isnt a painfull experience!

My main problem now is pct i was running nolva 20mg eod during because off gyno concerns my plan was to run it 20mg eod for next 2 weeks then i add in clomid at dose off 300/100/100/100/100/100/100mg

and take the nolva 20mg ed during

problem is i ****ed up the timings off start date of course and i fly out to the states for a holiday exactly 2 weeks from now meaning id be on pct for the whole holiday not a problem there but can i safely bring the clomid and nolva into the us? I was gonna stick it inside a shampoo bottle in my suitcase ? kinda shitting it tho nay advice? first stop is san fransisco could alway waltz into a chemist and try buy some but kinda doubt it will work!

like i said any advice would help?