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Thread: HCG question

  1. #1
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2010

    HCG question

    Is it ever TOO LATE to do HCG and then clomid/nolva afterwards

    the reason I ask is previously I never did HCG, i always just did cllomid and nolva

    but my last cycle shut me down hard and the clomid and nolva didnt help

    its 3 months post cycle now...can i get some HCG and give it a shot

    tryin hard to get my testes back workin...been expericening ed for 3 months

  2. #2
    Dunk is offline Banned
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    It would help the more experienced users here critique your post if you included your stats- ie steroid cycles used, past experience, time on cycle, PCT protocols / dosages used etc.

  3. #3
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    usually do a summer cycle every year for past 5 yrs...SUST AND DECA followed by clomid and nolveldex for pct...never had an issue

    this summer....did SUST and TREN ...took caber so prolactin was never an issue....

    was on for 10 weeks...250 sust..200 tren shot twice a week...
    did clomid and nolva for pct....3 months later

    cant get a hard libido

    had some bloood work done...goin back monday for the whole panel

    bloodwork done....prolactin and estradiol came back perfect

    test was only 384.....which is considered in range, but im only 30 so it should be much higher

    hoping doc can give me somethin to get me back in that 600 range for life so i can have a normal sex life again

  4. #4
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    Hcg its recommended to use during cycle to avoid testicular atrophy. If you already finish your pct, you can take some shots off hcg, from 500ui/week to a 1.000ui/week for about 4 weeks. Not sure how hcg will help with libido. I been using hcg to bust my testosterone before a go in hrt, at dosage 500ui/week now.

  5. #5
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Golden state
    the more i read about pct the importance of HCG within the cycle and post is amazing...

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