Hello all,
I think I should provide some backround information before I get to my main point so here I go:

My bestfriend told me he is going try his first cycle of steroids and urged me to do it with him. He absolutely assured me that everything was covered and I didnt have to worry about PCT or who is going to inject me. I trusted him and I started my first cycle of Deca 250 (300mg) and Testosterone Ethanate(400mg), a shot of test every Friday, and a shot of Deca every Sunday. The person who was injecting me knew what he was doing but we had to provide the test,shots, and deca to him which we recieved from a different source. After the 12 week cycle, my friend f*cks me over and tells me he cannot hook up the Clomid, Nolvadex , and HCG shot for PCT, after I've been asking him everyday if he is going to get it, which he responded with "its coming in a few days." I had no other source to recieve any PCT and started to bug out. I finally met someone who gave me Nolvadex and I've just took my first pills of it today, 4 weeks after my cycle has ended . I should also mention that I'm 18 years old and 165lb wit han Ectomorph body type.
The biggest side effects I've seen are lack of motivation, very lethargic, more acne on the face. Obviously I f*ucked big time and I've been regreting this decision, but I cannot ignore this and need to deal with this issue.

-Should I continue using the Nolvadex?
-If I find someone to hook me up with HCG, should I still take that?
-What type of food/products would help me?
-Any advice/comments are greatly appreciated, thanks for taking the time out to read this!