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  1. #1
    MMAasrealasitgets is offline New Member
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    Apr 2011

    Water Weight and PCT


    One thing I am gently lost on is this. People often say doing certain roids guves you lost of mass, much of which is water weight. So how does doing a PCT help you keep (arguments sake) 80% of your peak gains - surely once your off say Test or Deca , the water will disperse from your system? Or does water only make a small percentage of your total mass gain, so its loss is not significant?

    Sorry if its a dull Q, just got me wondering whilst researching.

    cheers all

  2. #2
    alluprbdy's Avatar
    alluprbdy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004
    "roids" won't give you or anyone for that matter mass. Food and training will provide the mass. Gear will cause water retention some more than others. If water makes up a large % of your gains then you did something wrong. Pct gets levels back as quick as possible so you can keep as much as possible. The water will go away after the cycle is over.

  3. #3
    STEEDA69 is offline New Member
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    May 2006
    Actually, your "genetics" will determine "your" ability to accrue mass. Alluprbdy is correct in his statement WRT subsequent factors. Factors, in order of importance are:- 1) Genectic predisposition for LBM (muscle), 2) Nutrition, 3) Training, 4) Gear.

    I've seen lifters with "poor" genetics gain very little LBM off megadoses and lifters with superior genetics gain impressive size using relativey small amounts. I have also seen lifters with "average" genetics gain a moderate amount from those same megadoses but that "size" was acccompanied by a gamut of secondary (unwanted) side effects, which IMO, far outweigh the "short-lived" gains in LBM.

    A PCT should be used as a vehicle to "nudge" your 'normal' hormonal profile in the right direction, (towards homeostasis)! THERE IS NO WAY to preserve a set % of muscular gains. Again, that falls to your genetic makeup, and to a lesser degree, your nutrition, training etc... post cycle. Some people lose less than others but eventually, you WILL lose much of what you gained. Why do think some people remain "on" for multiple years at a time!

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