09-26-2011, 06:17 PM #1
very very long cycle, help with PCT...26 year old
26 years old
bf 10-11%
Im about to end a very dumb cycle , total of straight 9 months.
Started with 500mgs/ a week, 2 months later added EQ 600mgs a week, 2 months later dropped ETH and EQ and started Prop 700mgs a week with Tren A 600mgs a week, after 2 months of that i only ran Prop at 500mgs a week until now. Currently still just on prop but about to stop it bc im over this whole shit. I felt like i got addicted to the gear and just stopped carring about everything but how i feel and what i look like. Thank God i have no serious sides that show as of now at least. I have ran HCG 2 times during the 9 months with arimidex at .5 eod.
Im actually scared as sssshh iit to get off bc i feel like im going to crash hard. This isn't my first cycle so i know what to expect but i need your proffesinal help on how to get off and start PCT . I have everything on hand, i got colmid, nolva , HCG , and arimidex if i need to get anything else i can do that in days so just left me know.
What doages should i start with clomid and nolva ?
09-28-2011, 09:45 AM #2
looking forward to the response on this one...
Im on a long one too 7 months Test and need to come off.
I have ideas but need confirmations
10-18-2011, 09:38 PM #3
This is soo weird and i hope im not screwing my self. Its been almost 3 weeks since my last shot, i took lil bit of armidex and novl the first few days but only 4 days. I have been putting my pct off like an idiot but My sex drive is still great, no gyno at all or any other sides. Everything works greatt, i have been feeling more sore then normal though which is normal i think after you stop running gear and due to my diet latley. I dropped few pounds, but still look good and get good pumps. Im thinking about doing my PCT now. My question is should i do it? or is it too late? and how come im not all f ed up after running a crazy cycle ?
10-18-2011, 09:47 PM #4
Just curious but what made you even want to stay on for that long?
10-18-2011, 09:58 PM #5
addiction i think man, this is my second long cycle. I cant seem to get off this shit and it sooo easy and cheap for me to get it which that doesnt help. Plus i love the way i look while running gear.
10-18-2011, 10:16 PM #6
Well I hope your body can recover from it, after you figure out how to get off it all you should def go get blood work done I'd be curious of the results.
10-24-2011, 10:06 AM #7
Im curious to to know the answer to this as well. I ran an 8 month cycle, test 400 - 800mg per week then added deca at 300mg per week for a few months. Also tried some EQ at 200mg per week for a few months with the test 400. My problem now is, its been 6 weeks since my last shot, pct i ran 10,000cc of HCG over three weeks and clomid for three weeks and nolva for four. Its been six weeks total and still no change. No sex drive, no libedo and the testicles are still small. Im thinking about going to get blood work. i only lost a couple of pounds, still look ripped but i dont think i have any testosterone in my system.
10-24-2011, 02:14 PM #8
You most important weapon is HCG and fair amount of it.
When you're about to come off, hit the HCG at 1500ius every 4-5 days for about 5-6 shots. Keep running your AI and Test. In fact, reduce the Test to 100-150mg/wk only during this time peroid.
Then begin SERM treatment 10-14 days after finishing the 100-150mg/wk Test. Keep running the AI and make sure your final HCG shot is about 3-4 days away from beginning the SERM treatment.
Tamox 20mg/ED for 6 weeks, 40mg/ED week 1.
Clomid 25mg/ED for 6 weeks, 50mg/ED week 1.
Tribulus 1g/ED only Sopharma.
2g Ashwagandha Root Extract.
DAA as directed on the label.
ZMA supplement for testosterone synthesis.
You can also add LJ100 at 300mg/ED and Fadogia Agrestis SE too. If you want to use all the available supplements.
Source Naturals Life Force For Men.
Plent of red meat.
Get BW done 4 weeks after completion.
10-24-2011, 02:15 PM #9
You most important weapon is HCG and fair amount of it.
When you're about to come off, hit the HCG at 1500ius every 4-5 days for about 5-6 shots. Keep running your AI and Test. In fact, reduce the Test to 100-150mg/wk only during this time peroid.
Then begin SERM treatment 10-14 days after finishing the 100-150mg/wk Test. Keep running the AI and make sure your final HCG shot is about 3-4 days away from beginning the SERM treatment.
Tamox 20mg/ED for 6 weeks, 40mg/ED week 1.
Clomid 25mg/ED for 6 weeks, 50mg/ED week 1.
Tribulus 1g/ED only Sopharma.
2g Ashwagandha Root Extract.
DAA as directed on the label.
ZMA supplement for testosterone synthesis.
You can also add LJ100 at 300mg/ED and Fadogia Agrestis SE too. If you want to use all the available supplements.
Source Naturals Life Force For Men.
Plent of red meat.
Get BW done 4 weeks after completion.
01-02-2012, 11:42 AM #10
good info, Thanks!
01-09-2012, 12:39 AM #11
Great PCT info!
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