right im coming to the end of my test (800mg p.w) and (tren 300mg p.w) and iv suffered from gyno really bad since around week 2, i tried liquid stane (25mg E.D) provirion every day tamoxifen 40 mg ed iv even tried adding masteron into my cycle and dropping the test and tren doeses to 400 and 150 and still the gyno persists and im starting to get sucked off with constant puffy sore nipples, now as im about to finish my cycle im just going to wait for pct and it to go on its own, now my next cycle iv decided im not going to take such high doses and am going to add masteron from the start but am i better off getting letro from the start and will this help with my gyno ? iv read that letro is a much stronger AI than aromasin and provirion and much more effective? will this help me. please advise me, thanks in advance