Hey im 23 Ive been nearly on for 1 year now, Im just finishing week 8 of 12 using 750 test e and 450 tren e.
Ive got Clomid, Nolva, armidex and letro and 10000IU of HCG on hand.

I need to know the most effective way of using the hcg should I start using it now at 250iu twice a week or save it for the end while the enanthate esters wear off at a stronger dose?

I was planning on running PCT:
Clomid 300 day 1 followed by 100 the rest of the week then 50mg a day for the next 3 weeks
Nolva 40/40/20/20

My goal is to recover my hpta if possible

I need some advice on a better protocol please!
