
Ive done cycles in the past, despite I'm in my early 20s. I know I was a stupid ass so please dont write if you only want to share this with me.

I'm 5 weeks after my PCT. (PCT: torem and clomid)

So I have low libido, If I dont have a nice girlfriend I would have sex twice a week.(If we had more its not a big pleasure for me!). 1,5 years ago I had this amount of sex in a day, and I could ejaculate 5times in a day(now I can 3, after this we cant get it up). I wish I had that libido now! And unfortunately I have ED. I can get it up, but it is 80% of my normal erection, and sometimes get soft and we have to stop having sex. Cialis, viagra, kamagra slightly work.

I didnt lose weight after cycle

Thats all what I could get from my doctor:
Value Range
TSH: 4,35 0,35-4,94
T3: 4,8 1,71-3,71
T4: 1,55 0,7-1,8
FSH: 3,15 1,0-8,0
LH: 3,48 2,00-12,00
Prolactin:17,18 1,2-10,7
thyreoglobulin: 16,91 3-80
Total test: 5,76 2,8-8,00
ATPO: 7,75 0,00-63,00
Estradiol <76,4 0,0 - 206,0

Thank you guys!