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  1. #1
    blake170's Avatar
    blake170 is offline New Member
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    3 cycle (First in a very long time) + PCT

    Ok... Over the last 10-12 months, I've dropped almost 30 lbs of body fat. Based on the pictures in the Nutrition forum sticky, I'm around 20% body fat, now. I've started following the nutrition plan laid out in that forum, as well. Getting blood work done this week. (I'll report the results)

    Currently, I'm in the gym 7 days a week; 5 days lifting, 6th and 7th day are core and cardio, only.

    Once I get that BF % down to 15, I intend to do a test cycle. (A close friend has suggested adding EQ to the cycle, but I haven't seen anyone here mention that combo)

    My question is about using the AI; should I use it throughout, or just during PCT?

    Also, when should I start aHCG?

  2. #2
    blake170's Avatar
    blake170 is offline New Member
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    Sorry... Stats

    41 years old
    227 lbs
    Approx. 20-25 % bf
    Feeling great (Went from a 38" waist to 34" (and need a belt with those jeans)
    I've enjoyed some nice gains, both strength and size, and have been refining my workout. I'm having fun..

  3. #3
    Antonious's Avatar
    Antonious is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin 1.25mg ED, or adex 0.5 EOD. Some go well on aromasin, some respond better to adex. Try and get to know what is for you.

    Start HCG in the beggining of your cycle, 250IU twice a week. Some prefer one shot of 500IU (because there is an opinion that anything lower than 500 is a waste) or 500IU twice a week. Start with 250IU twice a week and see how you doing.
    Last edited by Antonious; 03-12-2013 at 09:28 AM.

  4. #4
    blake170's Avatar
    blake170 is offline New Member
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    Thank you. Is the AI during PCT only, or thought cycle AND PCT? I've read conflicting advice in these forums.

  5. #5
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
    AnabolicDoc is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake170 View Post
    Thank you. Is the AI during PCT only, or thought cycle AND PCT? I've read conflicting advice in these forums.
    The AI is during cycle, Arimidex 0.25-0.5mg eod or aromasin 10-12.5 eod to ed. It depends on how much test you're taking and your individual rate of aromatization. These are good starting points and you can always increase. I think it's better to start low as it's easier to notice signs of estrogen excess rather than estrogen deficiency (purely my preference).

    Also Mickey Knox has made a very nice and concise post describing arimidex and aromasin. Please search for it. In it he explains why aromasin should be taken ed rather than eod (eod is typically recommended). I agree with him I just think that maybe 10-12.5mg ed might be a bit high for some ppl on 500mg of test weekly (typical first cycle dose). I wonder if a quarter dose (6.25mg) of aromasin ed is a better starting point. Unless you're taking a liquid version invest in a pill cutter and see what dose works best for you.

    Post cycle, once everything has cleared from your system, although no harm in starting early, you will want to take tamoxifen and clomid. With 15 minutes of research using the search engine here you will have no problem getting an idea of the dosing protocol. By the time you cycle you will have plenty of time to make your own informed decision. You will stop your AI and hcg when you start your PCT.

  6. #6
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
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    Btw nice job with the weight loss . . . keep it up. And good luck with your future cycle.

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Take a peek at these threads. They will answer a lot of your questions and point you in the right direction. Post your questions here afterwards.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

    *Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole) Unraveled*

  8. #8
    blake170's Avatar
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    Thank you, guys. I've been reading thread after thread, and have learned a ton. I'll have it all picked out, questions answered and hear on hand by the time I get down to the right BF%.

  9. #9
    blake170's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm sure this will sound like a dumb question, but what does it mean when you list a dosage like the one for Nolva?
    (NOLVA 40/20/20/20)

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    40mg/day first wk

    20mg/day second wk.

    And so and so forth..

  11. #11
    blake170's Avatar
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    Thanks, Mickey. I've read a bunch of your posts; grateful for you guys sharing info, experience, etc.

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Youre welcome Blake.

  13. #13
    blake170's Avatar
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    Ok, next question:

    HCG ; sub Q or IM. Is there a marked difference?

    I'm having a great time with the nutrition part of this. I was eating fairly well before joining this forum, but now, I really have some direction. I vary what I eat each day, for the most part, but have been following an ~1800 calorie diet (500 deficit) with a decent macro split. I started at the recommended 40c/40p/20f, and stayed there for awhile. It was hard for me to eat the right amount of one, without overdoing another. I seem to have it under control, somewhat, and have recently changed upped the protein, slightly, and lowered the fat/carbs. Seems to be working well. I'm so interested in this, and have noticed such dramatic changes in myself, that I'm considering getting into the field of nutrition. Anyway, based on the pictures that GirlyGymRat posted, I think under 20% bf, now. (The handheld meter at my gym said 17.5, a couple of days in a row, but I understand that they aren't accurate.
    Thanks for all the advice, so far. Honestly, this last year has been the best one for me in a long time. I research through many places...not so much for gear, but for nutrition, lifting techniques, cardio, etc., and this forum is, by far, the best one around.

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Wow, congrats on your weight loss once again AND your new found interest in Nutrition, Blake. You're definitely on the right track and pursuing this in a very mature fashion. Your mind is right and your body is responding well.

    AS far as the hCG goes, i would recommend what most of us here do, and that's SubQ. You can administer it IM, but SubQ gets my vote for simplicity and peace of mind.

  15. #15
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    45 haven't steered me wrong, yet.
    Thanks, Mickey, this is great. It's easy enough to follow most of the advice, here. When there are differing opinions, I simply start reading, referencing, and try to make an informed decision.

  16. #16
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by blake170 View Post haven't steered me wrong, yet.
    Thanks, Mickey, this is great. It's easy enough to follow most of the advice, here. When there are differing opinions, I simply start reading, referencing, and try to make an informed decision.
    Excellent! I still do that, and will continue that habit. That way it drives home the information you're seeking.

  17. #17
    blake170's Avatar
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    45 question; when I feel I've reached a decent BF%, (I'm thinking around 12, but I'll have to see what I actually look like at that level; my goals have always been based more on aesthetics than numbers; i.e. weight or BF%) then how do I transition into a new diet? For example: if I get to 12-15%, and feel ready to start a cycle, should I go to maintenance calories for a few weeks, first, and then slowly up to a + 300-500? I don't want to shock my system too much, I think.
    Usually, I get most of my questions answered through the search function and stickies, but haven't found this answer yet. Any advice?

  18. #18
    blake170's Avatar
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    I guess that's a question for the nutrition section...

  19. #19
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Yeah i would pop that one up in the Nutritional Forum and let the Pros give their opinion on it.

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