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Thread: test and tren

  1. #1
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    test and tren

    Ok guys I need advice. I am going to start running test and tren 200 mg/wk of each. I am wanting advice on what pct I should use and if I should use any serm during my cycle. Im am 24 and 230lbs I am about 11/12 bf percentage . I sure as hell dont want gynecomastia or water retention.

  2. #2
    dr. triceps is offline New Member
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    If you dont want gyno, you better use prami or caber. When using tren , you need to worry more about prolactin induced gyno, while still keeping track of your e2 (because high e2 can raise prolactin levels). Are you running prop? Also hcg during your tren cycle will be your best friend. I wouldn't run tren longer than 8 weeks. Run tren ace at a dose of maybe 100 mg eod.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    AI during cycle to control E2 not a serm. Control your E2 and you control your prolactin as well. Caber on hand or use as needed like Dr. Tricep said.

    You're young. If this is your first cycle I'd suggest, as we all would here, just TEST. Arguably 500mg per week split along with hcg and an AI. Don't underestimate how well a test only cycle can be for you. Make sure nutrition and training are on point. Get BW before you start.

    Search up Beginners Cycles by MickeyKnox. Good guidance there.

    Just saw it's your first post as well. Welcome. Please take time to read the thread mentioned as well as all the sticky threads. Visit the pct forum as well. Great info waiting for you there. Don't jump into this until your ready, both mentally and physically.
    Last edited by kelkel; 03-25-2013 at 09:33 AM.
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  4. #4
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    AI during cycle to control E2 not a serm. Control your E2 and you control your prolactin as well. Caber on hand or use as needed like Dr. Tricep said.

    You're young. If this is your first cycle I'd suggest, as we all would here, just TEST. Arguably 500mg per week split along with hcg and an AI. Don't underestimate how well a test only cycle can be for you. Make sure nutrition and training are on point. Get BW before you start.

    Search up Beginners Cycles by MickeyKnox. Good guidance there.

    Just saw it's your first post as well. Welcome. Please take time to read the thread mentioned as well as all the sticky threads. Visit the pct forum as well. Great info waiting for you there. Don't jump into this until your ready, both mentally and physically.
    Thanks for all the advice guys so I will probably start with test since this is truley my first ever cycle of steriods and i heard tren is pretty crazy stuff. My friend got me some sustabol which I think is the 4 test blend. I can't seem to find anyone around here to have HCG so I will have to see how the hell to get it. And what are some doses you reccommend for my HCG and PCT I got my hands on liquid clomid and have nolvadex on the way just need the HCG. So here is what I am thinking 500mg/week of test and the hcg and an AI during cycle. Then pct will include clomid and nolvadex? I will get the blood work done this week to make sure my body will tolerate all this stuff.

  5. #5
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR.RN1989 View Post
    Ok guys I need advice. I am going to start running test and tren 200 mg/wk of each. I am wanting advice on what pct I should use and if I should use any serm during my cycle. Im am 24 and 230lbs I am about 11/12 bf percentage . I sure as hell dont want gynecomastia or water retention.
    230lbs and 11% BF Post up a pic should be proud of that!! and all natural? Impressive!

  6. #6
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    230lbs and 11% BF Post up a pic should be proud of that!! and all natural? Impressive!
    I will as soon as I get around to knowing how to navigate on this. I played college ball and have crazy work ethic man I eat 90% clean and all natural. I just want to get to about 250-260 of solid mass and I havent been able to gain a lot of wieght. I know I can get there but shits hard I eat all day and I slowly gain a pound or two a week.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes to the just test on cycle as well as HCG 250IU's x 2 per week and the norm for AI's (adex) at that dosage would be .25mg eod. Into your cycle you can also check your E2 as well as anything else you like at places such as to make sure things are on track.

    Now, search up the pct forum and read up. Sounds like you have a lot of potential and a lot to learn as well. Keep it safe please.
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  8. #8
    MR.RN1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Yes to the just test on cycle as well as HCG 250IU's x 2 per week and the norm for AI's (adex) at that dosage would be .25mg eod. Into your cycle you can also check your E2 as well as anything else you like at places such as to make sure things are on track.

    Now, search up the pct forum and read up. Sounds like you have a lot of potential and a lot to learn as well. Keep it safe please.
    Yea this is a whole new language for me so Im trying to do this right cause I truley dont want to damage my body by being stupid so I take advice to heart man. I will read up and one last question, should I wait until about 2/3 cycles to start messing with tren or should i wait longer?

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