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  1. #1
    tumbler1 is offline New Member
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    First time PCT questions..

    Hello, First off I am new so go easy. My stats:
    38 y/o
    Been working out on and off since I was about 20 Been very serious for a couple of years now.
    Last bloodwork showed my t level was not low low but it was on the lower side of the normal average scale, if that makes sense.

    I decided to do my first cycle a while back so I have been on several sites and forums getting all kinds of info. Which I can honestly say I am more lost then when I started. I think I over loaded on info. I decided to go with 250 mg 2x's a week for 10 weeks of cypoinate by itself due to it being my first cycle. Being it's my first cycle I got all my ducks in a row with diet and my training schedule a while back, So I am good there.and I know the gear I got is good quality.
    The only real concern I have , well one of many I guess,is I was only able to get Nolvadex with the test I got. I got 100 20 mg pills. I have read through so many posts and threads on this forum and can't decide what's right.Am I going to be good with the nolvadex by itself for pct , and if I have gyno problems during the cycle,or am I going to lose everything I was able to gain during my cycle. I keep reading about HCG . But I read two posts about it being great and you need it, then I read two more about it being bad or it's not needed. So, I am not sure. I really don't even know where or how to get HCG if I did need or what to take it. Basically I just want to know if the Nolvadex is going to be enough. Being it's my first time I want to do it right and of course not lose my ball function and what I gained. Any help would be great thanks...

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    No don't run nolvadex alone for pct. run Clomid and nolvadex. Clomid 100/50/50/50 nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and if you can get hcg it will keep your testies functioning during your cycle so yes you want to run it. I also suggest running an AI during your cycle right up to pct

  3. #3
    tumbler1 is offline New Member
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    THanks for the help. I tried to go to AR-R site but for some reason it wouldnt load. Was going to look on the site for clomid. adex or aromasin , which is better in your opinion? How or where do I get HCG ? Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbler1
    THanks for the help. I tried to go to AR-R site but for some reason it wouldnt load. Was going to look on the site for clomid. adex or aromasin, which is better in your opinion? How or where do I get HCG? Thanks again.
    Clomid is available from ar-r liquid Clomi )and I prefer aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed and aromasin liquid stane is available from ar-r as well
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 07-22-2013 at 08:17 PM.

  5. #5
    animalBLIND's Avatar
    animalBLIND is offline Junior Member
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    I've also never ran hcg and have no idea where to get it

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animalBLIND
    I've also never ran hcg and have no idea where to get it
    This is not a source board bro. If you have questions you should start your own thread

  7. #7
    animalBLIND's Avatar
    animalBLIND is offline Junior Member
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    Never asked for source. Jus giving my opinion bro

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animalBLIND
    Never asked for source. Jus giving my opinion bro
    My apologies if you are interested in info regarding hcg it's all here. Check out the stickys as well

  9. #9
    animalBLIND's Avatar
    animalBLIND is offline Junior Member
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    No problem man I've jus never used it and would like all the info I can get. I've never even heard of people in my area using it

  10. #10
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animalBLIND
    No problem man I've jus never used it and would like all the info I can get. I've never even heard of people in my area using it
    Ask me anything you want about hcg . You are in good hands here bro
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 07-25-2013 at 02:36 PM.

  11. #11
    kapper's Avatar
    kapper is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to jump in but while ur on the HCG topic, when i choose to cycle and run HCG aswell, can i pin my abdominal twice a week for the whole cycle (subQ) or do i hav to alternate to different areas like i would with the TEST E???

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kapper
    Sorry to jump in but while ur on the HCG topic, when i choose to cycle and run HCG aswell, can i pin my abdominal twice a week for the whole cycle (subQ) or do i hav to alternate to different areas like i would with the TEST E???
    Hcg can be injected either IM or sub q. I prefer sub q. It's almost painless and very little scar tissue with an insulin pin. There is plenty of area between lower mid and upper abs to pin sub q your entire cycle

  13. #13
    tumbler1 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help. Ar-r has the liquid clomid and aromasin . Is it done oral, IM or subQ? I have only seen oral of these two if I am correct..

  14. #14
    tumbler1 is offline New Member
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    I know it sounds stupid but I cant get to the stickys. How do I find them or get to one.. Sorry newbie

  15. #15
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbler1
    Thanks for the help. Ar-r has the liquid clomid and aromasin. Is it done oral, IM or subQ? I have only seen oral of these two if I am correct..
    They are oral no reason to be sorry

  16. #16
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    hcG BLAST after cycle is the best thing added to hcg while on cycle
    its perfect this way . recovery is much faster

  17. #17
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich
    hcG BLAST after cycle is the best thing added to hcg while on cycle
    its perfect this way . recovery is much faster
    Why? If you run hcg during your entire cycle and have maintained testicular function I see no reason to blast hcg. If the testies are shut down then that's a different story.

  18. #18
    kapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    Hcg can be injected either IM or sub q. I prefer sub q. It's almost painless and very little scar tissue with an insulin pin. There is plenty of area between lower mid and upper abs to pin sub q your entire cycle
    Thanks for that mate

  19. #19
    tumbler1 is offline New Member
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    So being its liquid form from AR-R ,the clomid and aromisan, you just pull out the mg you need with a sryinge like you would if it was test., then put it in your mouth? Want to make sure before I get it from AR-R, so I all the info. Also does it has to be refriderated after opened?Thanks again..

  20. #20
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbler1
    So being its liquid form from AR-R,the clomid and aromisan, you just pull out the mg you need with a sryinge like you would if it was test., then put it in your mouth? Want to make sure before I get it from AR-R, so I all the info. Also does it has to be refriderated after opened?Thanks again..
    Yep you just measure it out. It will be dosed per ml so you just have to do the math and no it doesn't have to be stored in the fridge. Yes you just drink it from the syringe but remove the needle so you don't poke yourself usually ar-r will send you a syringe to measure it with

  21. #21
    Mp859's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    Why? If you run hcg during your entire cycle and have maintained testicular function I see no reason to blast hcg. If the testies are shut down then that's a different story.
    You will be shit down regardless if you use hcg .
    And used for to long you may become desensitized to LH

    I feel a blast before pct like 1000ius eod for 5000ius transitioned into a clomid pct is amazing for recovery

    Now using the hcg while on will keep them full if your girl likes to play with them or something

  22. #22
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859

    You will be shit down regardless if you use hcg .
    And used for to long you may become desensitized to LH

    I feel a blast before pct like 1000ius eod for 5000ius transitioned into a clomid pct is amazing for recovery

    Now using the hcg while on will keep them full if your girl likes to play with them or something
    Your lh function will be shut down yes but the hcg will mimic lh production during your cycle. Lh production is the fastest thing to recover during pct. running hcg during your cycle will make a much smoother recovery

  23. #23
    Mp859's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    Your lh function will be shut down yes but the hcg will mimic lh production during your cycle. Lh production is the fastest thing to recover during pct. running hcg during your cycle will make a much smoother recovery
    I have seen this debate many times. Running hcg on cycle vs blast before pct

    To each his own brother

    Either way will do its job

  24. #24
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I have seen this debate many times. Running hcg on cycle vs blast before pct

    To each his own brother

    Either way will do its job
    Correct but with the blast you do have to consider there will be heavy amortization as well as leaving your organs not functioning during the cycle. There are always risks unfortunately its part of the game

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