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  1. #1
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2013

    PCT questions....

    Ok, so I have been off and on researching steroids for a few years. I am finally ready to take the jump, so I need some help.

    29 years old(in 2 weeks)
    186 lbs
    14%~ BF
    Lifting for about 5 years now
    Over the last 2 years ive gained 25 lbs of muscle

    Reading into things, I've heard most beginniners should run Test E, as its the easiest to inject(least painful? I hate needles and need something I think won't hurt as bad...) So below is what I am thinking about....(Yes its a pre-made cycle with a kick starter)

    Cycle Length and layout:
    Length 10 weeks
    Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 40 mg per day(Understand this is D-bol, oral) - This is due to the Test E taking 4 weeks to kick in, will give me good gains, but understand I may lose some of this when I quit taking it
    Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week Test E, hopefully not bad. Plan to use 20 grade needle to pull up, and inject with a 23/25 needle on Sunday/Wednesday alternating glutes. I know I can take a hot shower before/after and to massage to spread the oil, and a heating pad to help as well. Also know I should warm it up a bit in a bowl of hot water to help as well with the pain?
    Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day (continue to run this for 10 days after cycle)Ok so this is their suggested. I have read Adex is really good, but need some help. Some people have posted using only this as PCT, while some have said not too. Also, reading some post show EOD while same show only with signs. I want to avoid any gyno problems so was going to stick with their rec on this

    I know in theory this is a small cycle, being 10 weeks, and the Dbol will be out of my system by PCT due to the half life, and that it will be just Test E. I also imagine though, my natural test production will be most likely completely stopped or close, due to the fact that I ran 4 weeks of double test? Is this right? I was thinking of adding in Clomid as a real PCT. Would start this 2 weeks after the last pin. I am unsure of the dose though. I was looking at something like this(below,) when someone told me it would be to much for such a "small" cycle?
    week 1: 100mg ED clomid, .5 mg ED Adex
    week2: 50mg ED clomid, .5 mg ED Adex(would be out of Adex on the 3rd day, so noy a full 2 weeks)

    I also plan on getting labs done 2 weeks after PCT as long as no sides are still showing.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro this us the pct forum though I don't mind answering most of your questions it should be posted in the aas forum. As for pct you are running a long esteemed testosterone so 14 days from last pin start your pct Clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolvadex 40/40/20/20. You need to run an AI on cycle to keep estrogen in check either Adex at .25 eod or aromasin at 12.5 Ed and adjust as needed. You should run hcg during your cycle as well. Drop the dbol as its your first cycle and if sides arise you won't no which compound is causing them so keep it test only. Do a little homework here and then post up your proposed cycle including the use of an AI, hcg and pct in the steroid forum for review
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 07-27-2013 at 12:05 PM.

  3. #3
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2013
    I don't get why it wouldn't be posted here, since my main question was about PCT Mainly if Adex was enough, since I know most PCT include a AI and a serm

    I am running AI on cycle, as it says. I know I am pron to gyno effects, so thats why I decided to keep it daily in the beginning and see. Most likely will keep it daily.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizarddeath
    I don't get why it wouldn't be posted here, since my main question was about PCT Mainly if Adex was enough, since I know most PCT include a AI and a serm

    I am running AI on cycle, as it says. I know I am pron to gyno effects, so thats why I decided to keep it daily in the beginning and see. Most likely will keep it daily.
    Did you get the answers you were looking for regarding your AI and pct?

  5. #5
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2013
    Thanks Jim,

    Sorry, Going to re-think a bit and post in the other forums. I've read a lot, but so concerned still about the after math more so than the actual cycle now I think.

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