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  1. #1
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    How low should estrogen be during PCT

    Hey guys,

    Just about to do some blood work. My question is how low should e2 level get during PCT before adjusting my nolvadex dose. I'm currently week 2 on 40mg week.

    E2 levels were really high towards the end of my cycle, I had no sides but wanted to see if they were perfect I was using 12.5mg of aromasin . After seeing blood results I upped the dose to 25mg ED and re did blood work 2 weeks later and it was perfect. I finished my cycle another 2 weeks after that and stated HCG .

    If my e2 AND test is lower than recommended should I lower the dose of nolvadex ??

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Far from 0 and close to max.

    Need your full stats to advise on your cycle.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Far from 0 and close to max.

    Need your full stats to advise on your cycle.

    34 yo 240lbs 20% bf.

    My cycle was

    Week 1-10 test e 750 mg week
    Week 1-8 tren e 400 mg week
    Week 1-8 mast 400 mg week

    Week 12 hcg @ 1000 iu ed.

    Week 13 PCT begins nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Back to e2 levels. I think normal range for our (Australia e2 tests) estrogen is between 50-150 if I drop below 75 do u recommend reducing the dose of nolvadex from 40 down to 20 mg??

    I'm only asking because saying a PCT should be Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 is just a guide line and doses should be based on blood work to be more accurate.

    So what are the blood level guidelines to dropping from 40 to 20 mg ed.

    Test will be low. It's always low till about 4weeks after PCT. But estrogen feels like its out. If its high obviously continue at 40mg but what if its below 50 ??
    Last edited by athletic.guy; 08-05-2013 at 09:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    A couple of things here. Do you realize that nolvadex will not reduce circulating estrogen as it competes for the receptor in your mammary glands holding off gyno? An AI is used to reduce circulating estrogen. I see you are running aromasin . Running hcg at 1000 iu Ed is going to put your estrogen through the roof. That's why I prefer to run a low dose of hcg during the cycle to maintain testicular function. At any rate you want to stay on the nolvadex through pct and the standard suggested dose is 40/40/20/20. It's pretty individual some get by with less

  5. #5
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    A couple of things here. Do you realize that nolvadex will not reduce circulating estrogen as it competes for the receptor in your mammary glands holding off gyno? An AI is used to reduce circulating estrogen. I see you are running aromasin. Running hcg at 1000 iu Ed is going to put your estrogen through the roof. That's why I prefer to run a low dose of hcg during the cycle to maintain testicular function. At any rate you want to stay on the nolvadex through pct and the standard suggested dose is 40/40/20/20. It's pretty individual some get by with less
    I continued the aramosin during the HCG week and dropped back down to 12.5mg ed for the first week of pct until the HCG was completly out of my system.

    So even if my estrogen is low continue 40mg dose of nolvadex because it will not suppress my estrogen lower.

    Anyone know what blood results should look like mid PCT?
    Is it low test, med e2 ?
    Last edited by athletic.guy; 08-05-2013 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes I suggest running nolvadex at 40 mg Ed during the first 2 weeks just to be sure. I would not really be concerned with the labs at the midway point of pct. everyone us going to be different depending on what compounds they run and the length of time. I would be most concerned with the jabs before your cycle, mid cycle and 6-8 weeks after to see how you are recovering

  7. #7
    athletic.guy is offline Associate Member
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    Had my blood work done today, I'm on week 3 of my PCT. ill post my results.
    Feeling so flat at the moment and muscle recovery feels like its taking forever...

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