I've been on for over a year strait of 600 week test cyp and adding deca on and off three times out of the year.
I've never posted before just read a lot. But nothing I've read has pertained to my unique situation. I was 170 when I started and now I'm 210. I've been stuck at 210 for about 3 months making me think my body is really telling me no more for now. I'm really trying to avoid all the sexual and mental downfalls associated with pct and this is another one of the main reasons I've never came off in the first place. I'm 33, But I want to make sure I can have kids one day as I've heard numerous horror stories about permanent suppression of your natural receptors. I know I haven't done the right thing so please keep your negative replies limited and any and all educated suggestions and ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you