
I am a 27 year old white male, 180lbs.

I plan on doing a 12 wk cycle of test enanthate in the near future. 500mg/wk

That part seems fairly straight forward but I'd like some advice on the PCT.

The source (who also uses himself) recommended only nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I asked about HCG (to run during cycle to protect my nuts) but he didn't advise it.

Is it okay to just do the standard PCT cycle 2 wks after my last injection, only taking clomid or nolva during cycle if I notice any onset of gyno? Or should I be running something during the cycle stages as well?

Obviously my main concern is recovering 100% ability to produce natural testosterone after the cycle. So what do you guys think? Is this a pretty conservative cycle that just needs straight forward PCT or should I run HCG during/after?

Also, the beginner cycle advice on this website.. The PCT doses, are they pretty universal? Or does weight play a role?
