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  1. #1
    Blops is offline New Member
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    Advice on Prohormone PCT

    Hey guys, I'm new around this forum although I've been on other boards having to do with this community.

    I'm about to start my second cycle, I've been training for about 4 years and did my first cycle of Epistane (4 weeks 20/30/40/40) almost a year ago. I know a lot of people here much prefer pinning and real AAS although I don't think I'm ready for them financially or experience wise. Anyways, that's just a little disclaimer that I'm respectfully just looking for advice on my PCT question and not persuasion to try more intense products, just because I sometimes see this in other threads.

    I used an all in one liver support, and an all in one PCT, both made by Iron Labs Nutrition:

    Cycle Support:
    Advice on Prohormone PCT-61t8pnu0wml._sl1000_.jpg
    Advice on Prohormone PCT-51pkbxl8kkl.jpg

    Advice on Prohormone PCT-61h3vkabrhl._sl1000_.jpg
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    Advice on Prohormone PCT-51u09lfc4gl.jpg

    I've done a lot more research since my last cycle (to add on to what I did before my first cycle) to include SARMs and use of SERMs etc.

    My planned cycle will be a 30 day cycle of EPI-Smash by BlackStone Labs, which contains 10mg Epi per cap and 30mg 6a-Chloro (which seems to have effects similar to a non-methylated version of halodrol from my research, though this compound is not halodrol by any means and I have found dosages ranging from 50-150, up to 200mgs solo)

    I'll be running it at 2(caps)/3/4/4 so 20/30/40/40 of Epi and 60/90/120/120 of 6a-Chloro

    In addition I'll be running Osta Rx by Iron Mag Labs for 3 weeks at 25mg/day (ostarine with some additional ingredients to help boost testosterone , the mgs I have listed is for just the Ostarine) and my question here is whether it would be most beneficial to run it at the same time as my Epi-smash, or the last two weeks of my cycle and one week into PCT to help keep my test levels up when I come off Epi-smash. I considered running it solely during PCT but I've found that it can still be suppressive and thus would need some PCT after.

    I have all of these products ready for my cycle and my goal is a general gain in muscle mass and a reduction in body fat. That being said, I was absolutely fine with my PCT and Liver support last cycle and kept the majority of my gains with no gyno or other noticeable sides.

    Though with all the use of SERMs I have seen in my research there is a nagging question in the back of my head before I start this next cycle.
    1) Is my PCT adequate for this (relatively) light PH, or do I need to obtain nolvadex /clomid for PCT (I've never tried to get things outside of legally before hence my PCT choice and use of only PH's)
    2) Is my idea of a little bridge into PCT with Ostarine fine? Or a bad idea, and if so, should I scrap it totally for later (suggestions?) or just keep it solely in my first 4 weeks.

    Any help is appreciated!


  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Why mess with a pct? Use clomid/nolva and be done with it IMO. HPTA function restoration isnt something I think is worth taking a chance with.

  3. #3
    Blops is offline New Member
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    Alright, is it necessary to take other vitamins and test boosters such as those included in my PCT product? I was always wary of only taking clomid or nolva and not recovering enough. I would take nolvadex because it seems just slightly more recommended from people picking one or the other.

    Any advice on my second question about Ostarine?

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blops View Post
    Alright, is it necessary to take other vitamins and test boosters such as those included in my PCT product? I was always wary of only taking clomid or nolva and not recovering enough. I would take nolvadex because it seems just slightly more recommended from people picking one or the other.

    Any advice on my second question about Ostarine?
    Test boosters are a joke. Nothing will work better then clo and Nov for pct. Leave the ost for know and focus on recovering. Vitamins are ok.

  5. #5
    Blops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Test boosters are a joke. Nothing will work better then clo and Nov for pct. Leave the ost for know and focus on recovering. Vitamins are ok.
    Alright so it seems nolva is really irreplaceable for stimulating Leutenizing hormones, I'll be obtaining some nolva for pct, most likely I'll still take this pct product as well because I alreay have it. As far as leaving the Ostarine for now are you suggesting leaving it out or just including it in the body of my cycle? I don't really know what I would use it for if I left it out.

    Thanks for your help.

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