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  1. #1
    ProteinBoy is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Need help with pct , first cycle please help

    Hey guys I'm sorry for all caps just really frustrated and need help . well first off I'm planning on doing for my first cycle (yes I know its a low dosage one but it's my first so going to teat waters with this one first) 10 weeks of testosterone propionate and anavar . 200mg of test p , 100 on mon and wed and 10-15 mg of anavar every day. Will do this for 10,weeks now I really need help with the pct my seller says I don't need to take any sense its prop and var and such low doses but last thing I'd want to do is have tits and be weak after my cycle . iv done some research on pct and heard clomid and nova are the best of course but how much , how long and what else do I take ??? Its so confusing someone please just give me an exact pct cycle . and anything I should keep on hand if I feel sensitive nipps or something ? Please tell me everything and in detail I already got the gear just waiting on some answers at this point , thanks a lot guys !

    BTW here are my stats , please dont say I'm too young iv though hard about it and I made my decision , thanks.

    Age - 20
    Weight - 175ish
    Training for almost 2 years now.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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  3. #3
    ProteinBoy is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=Bio-Active;6983950]Read this

    Hey thanks for your reply , iv been reading a lot about pct and noticed a lot of negative reviews on clomid and nolva with horrible side effects ... And also saw a lot of people just take a good amount of hcg alone as a pct and take arimidex during their cycle , think this is good enough ?

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No no no..... I do not know were you read that but that is not good advice. Hcg should be run on cycle to maintain some testicular function and if you can i would run hmg as well during your cycle. The sides from clomid and nolvadex (tamoxifen )are easily managed by taking them at night before bed and for the few that do not tolerate clomid well you can either just lower the dose or run Torem in its place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Read this

    Hey thanks for your reply , iv been reading a lot about pct and noticed a lot of negative reviews on clomid and nolva with horrible side effects ... And also saw a lot of people just take a good amount of hcg alone as a pct and take arimidex during their cycle , think this is good enough ?

  5. #5
    ProteinBoy is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    [QUOTE=Bio-Active;6984339]No no no..... I do not know were you read that but that is not good advice. Hcg should be run on cycle to maintain some testicular function and if you can i would run hmg as well during your cycle. The sides from clomid and nolvadex (tamoxifen )are easily managed by taking them at night before bed and for the few that do not tolerate clomid well you can either just lower the dose or run Torem in its place.

    Rich piana from YouTube swears by a only hcg pct , I'm.just confused everyone says something different but honestly I'm very prone to anxiety/depression etc and when I saw that clomid and nolva have huge side effects towards anxiety attacks and such I got scared

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    No no no..... I do not know were you read that but that is not good advice. Hcg should be run on cycle to maintain some testicular function and if you can i would run hmg as well during your cycle. The sides from clomid and nolvadex (tamoxifen )are easily managed by taking them at night before bed and for the few that do not tolerate clomid well you can either just lower the dose or run Torem in its place.

    Rich piana from YouTube swears by a only hcg pct , I'm.just confused everyone says something different but honestly I'm very prone to anxiety/depression etc and when I saw that clomid and nolva have huge side effects towards anxiety attacks and such I got scared
    HCG will suppress your natty testosterone production as it mimics lh function. Mimicking lh function is best on cycle when lh is already low because of the exogenous test you are running. I am sorry brother but that is out of date information. If you are concerned about the sides of the pct meds then why cycle? Everything has a risk and if you do not want the risk then maybe aas are not for you?

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