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Thread: post cycle

  1. #1
    samuelbenjamin is offline New Member
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    Jun 2015

    post cycle

    Hi you lot. So here my quastions wondering if anyone could help.
    On Monday I'm due to start a course of 300 mg of sus and 300 mg of deca 300 sus on a wed and 300 mg deca on a Sunday. I will train 6 days a week.
    My diet is good basically I eat a **** load of clean food. Meats fish veg etc. As I'm trying to now bulk in this cycle I'm just eating as many calories as I can. I'm 29 and 6 ft, 85 kg. I want to run the course for 10 weeks but have never used a pct cycle before. What could I use to insure I keep my gains or at least some of them? And re balence test levels. Should I run the sus past the deca finish? Many thanks

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    How old are you? What are your stats and previous cycle history? Your pinning schedule seems rather complicated. Why not just pin both compounds on the same day, and do that twice a week? (e.g. mon/thurs or sun/wed) If you are going to a bulk cycle then do you know your TDEE? Are you going to use an AI or a DA? What are your plans for hcg ?

    Ten weeks at 400 mg/week would be the minimum I would run decca. PCT for sus usually starts 18 days after last pin, and 21 days after last pin for decca. If you pin twice a week and use decca for 10 weeks, then in three days do your last pin of sus your pCT should begin in 18 days.

    Your best chance at keeping new growth should should include hcg from day one to 3 days before PCT. PCT should include include clomid for 4 weeks and nolva for 6 weeks. Eating well over your TDEE during PCT will help at maintaining gains. If you do some research on similar cycles you will find the correct nolva/clomid dosages. If you post your PCT plan someone will let you know if it's adequate.
    Last edited by numbere; 06-13-2015 at 08:47 AM.

  3. #3
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014

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