03-30-2005, 12:39 AM #1
How long will 1 bottle of Clen last me?
im going to be a 1st time clen user, starting off at 20mcg's with the AR-R clen, and graduatly uncreasing the dosage according to the "clen handbook" for 6 weeks.
Now on average, how long will the bottle of AR-R Clen typically last me? I would like to be able to take some later on in the summer and maybe give my girlfriend some. I was just wondering how long i should expect the bottle to last.
03-30-2005, 10:26 AM #2
1 bottle lasted me 2 1/2 weeks started at 20mcg and ended with 200mcg a day
03-30-2005, 11:24 AM #3
thats it?....waiting for lion to post some #'s
03-30-2005, 02:38 PM #4
just do some math. if you know the dosages your taking you can figure out how many bottles you'll need.
03-30-2005, 02:59 PM #5
how many mcg's total are in 1 bottle?
03-30-2005, 03:07 PM #6
200ug/mL x 30ml = 6000ug = 6mg
just calculate the total mg you'll will use in your cycle and divide it by 6. this will tell you how many bottles you need. round up to an integer cause you can't buy fractions of bottles.
03-30-2005, 04:37 PM #7
ok i did the math and it looks like a 6 week cycle of clen will use up about 4000mcg's total, give or take. Does that seem right for a 1st time clen user?
03-30-2005, 04:42 PM #8
depends on wether or not your doing 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, running it straight through if you have kitefon or benadryl method, and on the dosage. 20 mcg isnt ****, even if your only 130 lbs.
03-30-2005, 04:47 PM #9
2weeks on 2weeks off = garbage, every1 knows that. I plan on 6 weeks straight, And im taking benadryl every 3rd week. I dont plan on going higher than 120mcg's a day tho
03-30-2005, 04:51 PM #10
The Benadryl is aright , but not as effective as you think. I mean some people may be different, but I did the benadryl method and didnt think it was at all that great.
03-30-2005, 05:29 PM #11
yeah so 4000ug will be 4mg. there's 6mg in each bottle so you'll have 2mg left over.
03-30-2005, 05:32 PM #12
sounds good cuz i was thinkin on giving my g/f 1000mcg's or so, and i wanted to save a little bit for me for the end of the summer
03-30-2005, 05:36 PM #13Originally Posted by Tyson2481
03-30-2005, 06:10 PM #14
no that is right, i think that dude was taking a little too much haha
03-30-2005, 09:51 PM #15
I just ordered a bottle yesterday myself and I am also a first time user.
I am going to follow the Clen Handbook cycle as well, but that is based on a two week on and two week off cycle. Iwas curious how much you were going to up the dose after day 12? Are you going to increase for the next three weeks then start to come down? Here is the sample for the clen handbook post:
Example of a first cycle:
Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
Day6-Day12: 100mcg
Day13: 80 mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to
normal gradually)
Day14: 60 mcgs
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack
03-30-2005, 10:04 PM #16
the 2weeks on, 2weeks off method is dogsh!t
03-30-2005, 10:53 PM #17
In your first post you said "graduatly uncreasing the dosage according to the "clen handbook" for 6 weeks." The 2 week on 2 week off cycle I posted is copied from the clen handbook.
What I was asking was once you finish day 12 what will you increase to and how often will you increase after that?
03-30-2005, 10:59 PM #18Originally Posted by BigWoodyStyle
03-31-2005, 12:39 AM #19
a bottle will last a long time those tables you ae using are for crackheads .....who like shaking .....there is no need to ever shake. more is not better ..it like a light switch it's on or it's off....make sure you get taurine ...we will have it in a few weeks.
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