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Thread: T-3 Symptoms

  1. #1
    55CID is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    T-3 Symptoms

    All right fellas hope you can help I have ben useing A.R. T-3 on my reacearch subject and to my suprise there have ben no visable sides at all is this the norm? Or is my product under dosed or some thing? I have ben using up to 100 mcg. And on accasion have forgoten to dose in the am before work and still to my supprise no sides present. If this is the norm (not to have any sides) than whats up with the ever so important tapering at the end of administration. It's important to me that I loose weight as fast as posible I have lost a leg (above knee) due to a motorcycle accident and have gained weight and need to slim down like now! so when I have my new leg made it will fit for a LONG TIME as these things are not cheap ($27,000.00). cardio is a problem because of my curent leg. with out a long story I got a very poor prostheses made by a pice of SH*T named hary that doesent fit for crap and is very painfull. I have ben useing 2day on 2day off with clen as well. I am 26 weigh 195 and am 5'10''. one more question I beleave thear is a anti e that your not suposed to use with deca was wondering what that is prety shure I read that hear but couldent find it agan. and can you use it at the end of the cycle for pct with out problems or not? THANK YOU! 55CID

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    2 on and 2 off is not going to do any thing for you. Most people don't feel anything till they reach 125mcg. If you over weight you may be hypo to begin with. As the body puts on insulation it starts producing less and less thyroxin.....please do a search and fine a better protocal for your research.....2 weeek on 1 week off don't taper.

  3. #3
    55CID is offline Junior Member
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    May 2005
    Hay lion I am doing 2on 2off with CLEN not T-3. Mabey you read it wrong?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    don't do 2 0n 2 off with the cle just run it for 4 weks then switch to ECA

    things you can do to increase fat loss Drink water as much as possible 2 gallons a day
    CLA , b complex vitamins and b12 injections ....carb deplete

    Make sure you getting 1.5 grams of protein per pound of desired body weight....

  5. #5
    55CID is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    LION thank you very much for your input I ceartenley appreciate it I wil do this THANKS! again

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