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  1. #1
    crane's Avatar
    crane is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004
    central gerzy

    Screwed up igf? help please!

    i got my igf in, i lost my directions to it and decided to make it anyhow.
    i added about 3ml of the water to the vial containing the igf. it went into liquid form so i transfered that mixture to the 10ml vial, i then added the rest of the 10 ml solution fo sodium chorlide to the mixture. i thought i did it right but then found the directions and now i think i messed it up. my question is this, if i added all of the sodium chloride (10mls) did i ruin it? or can i still use it. i would think that it is just diluted and i would have to take more each time i use it, for example.... 10mls=1000mcg. and take accordingly. will that work? please help, i hope i didn't just blow 250.00.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    no your you didn't ruin it unless you added the fluid directly to the powder. (And dhen ) no And Dhen ( sorry Bad movie ) the is not ruined. Some of the peptide may have binded to the glass. ...... sounds like you have the right mixture. sounds about right. Next time send an email to [email protected]

  3. #3
    crane's Avatar
    crane is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    thanks lion,
    one last question though,
    since i have now 1000mcg/10ml
    in order to do my research with 80mcg a day
    i would have to use 80 iu on the slin pin of 100 iu(1cc) correct?
    thanks again

  4. #4
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    And dhen....


  5. #5
    crane's Avatar
    crane is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    bump please!
    i had just withdrew into the insulin syringe an now i see a couple of crystals forming what does that mean?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    shake well...... .8 ml

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