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Thread: Fat burner

  1. #1
    pakimunda786 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006

    Fat burner

    Hey what's up guys? I had a question about some good fat burners to take with excercising. I usually work out at 24 Hour Fitness 1.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I do 30 cardio and 60 working out. I'm 300 pounds and played football in high school, but since I'm no longer playing, I want to burn the fat. I've been excercising for about 3 months now and eating HEALTHY, but I've only lost 10 freakin pounds. That pissed me off. What would be the best to take to burn up the fat quickly?

    i was thinking about Clen , but I've only heard mediocre reviews about it. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    try 60 mins cardio 30 lifting light this for a weeks increase you water intake protein and drop you calories.

    do this for a month then when you stop loosing then clen would be great

  3. #3
    Darren1968's Avatar
    Darren1968 is offline Junior Member
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    do what Lion has said....Clen or Clen & liquidT3 or dare I say DNP

    But remember dude muscle weighs more than fat, so you have been working out heavy gaining muscle. dont go by the weight on your scales look in the mirror.


  4. #4
    Remington's Avatar
    Remington is offline Alligator
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    Hey Lion...
    I posted this question on another thread. But Id like your opinion cause your the "one" who would know best.{not that others didnt help}

    Im 35 years old. 6'4---275 lbs.
    Been training on and off for 15 years.
    Bodyfat test shows im at 27%[waaaayyy too fat]
    Never used any form of AAS or Clen .
    I wanna strip down some bodyfat so I can start my first cycle of Cyp.
    Question: Is my fat % too high to start Clen?
    I have read a ton of info here on it so I have questions.
    Fyi--I dont intend on doing a massive ammount of it.
    I know I should just really hit the cardio better--but Id sure like a "boost"

  5. #5
    rainjack is offline Junior Member
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    Three words. DIET. DIET. DIET. Cardio has it's place, but not above diet.

    3-4 days a week low rep-heavy weight trainng sessions, and 3 30-45-minute cardio sessions per week will maintain far more muscle mass than going nuts on a treadmill.

    But if your diet isn't right, you're bringing a knife to a gunfight.

  6. #6
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by rainjack
    Three words. DIET. DIET. DIET. Cardio has it's place, but not above diet.

    But if your diet isn't right, you're bringing a knife to a gunfight.
    Exactly, i highly suggest you learn how to eat properly before taking any AAS, cart before the horse scenario here.

    Check out the cutting stickie in the DIET forum.

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