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Thread: Clen and T3?

  1. #1
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Clen and T3?

    hi, ive done many hours of research on clen and t3 and used both myself, however my fiance wants to try them to drop some bodyfat, the problem is that she burns through anything, she builds a quick tolerance to everything....what are the real risks of clen, are there really heart problems like heart enlargement (or are those just results from animal based tests) along with that, i feel that clen works better used continuously versus the traditional 2 wks on 2 off method, any input? any input from ladies? should she use clen and or t3? she does ok with ephedra and is on a decent diet but wants something stronger...

  2. #2
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    hi, ive done many hours of research on clen and t3 and used both myself, however my fiance wants to try them to drop some bodyfat, the problem is that she burns through anything, she builds a quick tolerance to everything....what are the real risks of clen, are there really heart problems like heart enlargement (or are those just results from animal based tests) along with that, i feel that clen works better used continuously versus the traditional 2 wks on 2 off method, any input? any input from ladies? should she use clen and or t3? she does ok with ephedra and is on a decent diet but wants something stronger...
    i have read that you should not take clen with ephedra but maybe someone else can confirm this?

  3. #3
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    it will not be used with ephedra but on the off weeks

  4. #4
    Wordsworth is offline New Member
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    clen and ephedra work on the same receptors so it wouldnt be wise to combine them

  5. #5
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wordsworth
    clen and ephedra work on the same receptors so it wouldnt be wise to combine them

    Aye. was exactly what i was going to say.

  6. #6
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wordsworth
    clen and ephedra work on the same receptors so it wouldnt be wise to combine them
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Aye. was exactly what i was going to say.
    are you guys 100% about this?
    i just read a "clenbuterol handbook" posted by Anabolism, and he says in it that ephedrine can be used during the off weeks.

    Clenbuterol handbook
    it says so under "Dosing and Cycling".

  7. #7
    Wordsworth is offline New Member
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    ECA can be used in the off weeks but shouldnt be used in conjuction with clen or you can run clen longer by taking benadryl or keto.

  8. #8
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Running clen at the same time isnt going to do anything Posative.. and running it in between clen breaks defeats the idea of the break.. trust us.. just use T3 and clen together.. or t3 and eph together.. dont use clen and eph together.

  9. #9
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    who was gonna use clen and ephedra together? i certainly wasnt....

  10. #10
    cheezy12 is offline Junior Member
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    How much wheight is she trying to loose? I she uses the clen be sue to get the taurine sup. and potassium it will keep the cramps down. I'm curently useing clen and it works good for me. T3 will increase metabolism to the point where you lose muscle.

  11. #11
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    maybe about 5 % bodyfat loss...yea shes on taurine caps and vitamins for sure...well see how it goes...doing good though

  12. #12
    badboy247's Avatar
    badboy247 is offline Junior Member
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    ive run many cycles of clen and t3, the main side i noticed with clen was irregular heartbeat. t3 only real noticable side was very slight temp increase, but this was liquid oral and my reactions may have been dose related, if u get ya mrs on tablet form clen and t3 low dose u shouldnt have any probs. try 25mcg of both 2to3 weeks, wont need taurine sup and the dose is low enuf so u dont have to taper off, if there is any unwanted sides, just stop taking both. thyroid func will return to normal very quickly on termin of t3. h/r b/p will also resume normal functioning very quickly on termination of clen.

  13. #13
    badboy247's Avatar
    badboy247 is offline Junior Member
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    if u want to really transform your mrs look indepth into DNP and IGF-1. not for the faint hearted tho!

  14. #14
    speakerman is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by badboy247
    if u want to really transform your mrs look indepth into DNP and IGF-1. not for the faint hearted tho!
    Bad idea. Crazy enough to do it yourself, idk who would risk it for their gf/wife.

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