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Thread: Clen And Diet

  1. #1
    NAOMIWICHITA is offline Female Member
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    Mar 2006

    Unhappy Clen And Diet

    i am a female on clen and have been directed in alot of ways as to what diet i should be on. i am not understanding. i work out 5 days a week with a mixture of cardio and weights. i am not wanting to bulk up but i do want to tone and cut. my diet varies right now considering that i have alot of different directions i have been led. can someone clarify for me exactly what i am supposed to be eating and drinking. also, multi vitamins? are they ok or do i need others. thanks.

  2. #2
    musubi's Avatar
    musubi is offline Female Member
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    Definitely make sure you're including lean protein in every meal and that you're eating often enough (every 3-4 hours), but smaller meals. If you wait too long in between eating your body tends to hold on to what you put in it. Also, make sure you are eating enough veggies and that the types vary so you're supplying your body with enough nutrients. Stay away from juices and alcohol and drink tons of water.

    Many of the female members have posted their diets on here (I recommend looking at ttuprincess') which are a great starting place if you're not sure how to structure your diet I'm also on clen but it won't do you any good if you're sabotaging your diet. Also, if you have questions about caloric & nutritional content in foods, is a good website. Good luck!!

  3. #3
    ONENUT's Avatar
    ONENUT is offline New Member
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    Another question is what kind "cardio" are you doing? What is your heart rate and what is the duration? Are you taking in enough EFA's? As Musubi said, diet is the key.

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