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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Hey guys new here, Question.. or 2

    Hello everyone. Yes im new here and curious on the AR-R site... ive already read a bunch load of comments and feed back and all looks good legit super a-ok. Guess my question is about the Nolva and clomid, i already have a reliable source for both (orals) (infact im looking at 30 pills of nolvadex right now on my desk) and was wondering if this is worth buying the liquid form that is sold on AR-R (being it is ALOT cheaper) My "pet rat" has already done a cycle of sust about 2 years ago, then later some PHs (m1t..superdrol...yes superdrol is a PH) and he is about to go on a Dbol , Deca , Sust cycle. Just curious on (if i were to buy from AR-R) If it is worth the money or would it be more effective/safe just sticking to my usual pills. Also if its worht buyin the Liquidex. 2 years ago when i ran the sust cycle i went on n off nolvadex through out the cycle(paranoia of gyno)....(wait can rats even get gyno) It looks like Liquidex would be a good idea to run throughout the cycle but ive always been loyal to Nolvadex... ALSO i will be buyin pins from AR-R being the price and quantity is amazing. But how is the quality of the pins, im getin a total of 15 amps Nile Sustanon 250. and a 10ml bottle of Deca, firgured the "Syringe with needle: TERUMO 3cc/mL Syringe 25G x 1" quantity 25 (if im reading it correctly all for 6 bucks?) should be enought correct? maybe thats a stupid questin idk been out of the steriod game for awhile. Anyways my pet rat and i look foward to replies..

    and btw looks like a great forum. plan on posting here alot.
    Last edited by StartWideNverLookBac; 04-17-2006 at 07:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    o yea i forgot another question.. how is the packaging? is it discrete enough? not looking foward to the wife seeing a box with the words "NEEDLES" or "ANABOLIC " anywhere on the box if you get my drift.

  3. #3
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    needles are grade-A. Nothin "Anabolic " on the package.
    Ordered many times. Never had probs.

    and SD is not a prohormone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    needles are grade-A. Nothin "Anabolic " on the package.
    Ordered many times. Never had probs.

    and SD is not a prohormone.
    nice thanks for the reply. o and dont get me started on that last statement lol.

    what about the pills vs the liquid form pf nolvas and clomids sold on AR-R anyone?

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