i was looking into takin clen , i have taken the pill form a few times before with great results...

i was lookin into the injectable B12 after readin alot of people sayin the increased energy they got from takin it daily.

here is the question..

can you take clen and b12 together... or should i take the clen and the b12 after i'm done.

tho this is only like my 2 or 3 post, i have been on this site for three or so years.. and been in the gym for around 8yrs.. my goal is not to get ripped but i do need to lose about 25 pounds.. i mostly do power liftin bench is 400+ and cardio i run two miles twice a week, and bike an hour a day the off days... but i'd like to get my wieght back down to what it use to be around 190 where as i'm at 215 at the moment

i wanted to buy some stuff from lion, just wanted some help on how to go about it..