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Thread: help Letro ?

  1. #1
    canes4lyf1 is offline New Member
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    help Letro ?

    I ordered letro about a month and a half ago and i ran it at 2.5 it did absolutly nothing to me my nipples havent changed at all im very upset is there something else i could try mabye something stronger ? is there any thing i can do ? please any help will be greatly apreciated.

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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  3. #3
    llsdotmacll's Avatar
    llsdotmacll is offline Associate Member
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    if letro doesnt work, the only other alternative to my knowledge is surgery

  4. #4
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but I've got puffy aereolas and I'm heavily considereing purchasing letro to counteract this event. Does it work a majority of the time or what is the odds it will reverse gyno?


  5. #5
    HD Heritage is offline New Member
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    Based on what I've read on this forum... letro is the best thing to prevent and/or reverse gyno. I'm very new to this myself so maybe a vet or mod can chime in & back me up or correct me, whichever the case maybe. What I can tell you from my personal experience is this. About 3/4 of the way through my first cycle of test e only (which I'm about to complete), my nips got really sore & maybe a little puffy. Got scared it might be gyno coming on so I ordered the letro from ar-r 's site & damn did it ever work! I followed the dosage recommended in a thread by someone here titled "everything you need to know about gyno", I think it was by c-bino? Do a search on letro dose & you'll find it. It's an awesome thread. Hope this helps & good luck bro!

  6. #6
    HD Heritage is offline New Member
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    Down South
    I found the link to c-binos thread, I'll post it below if I do this right....

    All you need to know about GYNO.

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