Yes yes I was of of those guys who said Lion T3 didnt work for me.. I started to supplement Kelp Iodine, specifically product called Thyodine. And im feeling the heat

This is how i split my doseages.

60mcg on an empty stomach in 7am in the morning.
Plus roughly 250mg Kelp powder.

by around 9-11 i take another 20mcg

by then i've got a light but steady flow of sweating lasting throughout the day.

The problem is by the time 9-10 rolls around i cant keep my eyes open at work. I've been taking naps at work.

yesterday for example i got 7 1/2 hours of sleep ( i know i should have more), then i got to work around 8am, passed out around 9:00am, and cut in and out of sleep until 1:30pm.

What am I missing here? Why am i always passing out like this.. It's not often you can take a 4 hour nap during a 8 hour business day. I could force myself to stay awake but then i cant do anything.. im like a zombie...

im i going to have to start getting 12hours of sleep a night??
Can anything in my diet change to stop this?
am i splitting the dosages wrong?