Since we're on the subject of Fina lately, and since I've been on it for 2 weeks now, I thought I'd post this for you guys who might try it one day:

The ONLY way to combat Fina Gyno which is caused by Prolactin

Fina is a VERY POWERFUL anti-glucocorticoid, so what
exactly does it do to reduce endogeneous cortisone

There is only ONE mechanism:

A reduction in the TOTAL Free T4 and T3 levels within the

T3 is HIGHLY catabolic to muscle, therefore by reducing it by(
take 45% as shown by Nandi as an example), you are
exerting a ridiculously high protein-sparing effect.

YES, thats right, Fina is not THAT anabolic IN VIVO, it is
far, and I do mean FAR more of an ANTI-CATABOLIC
AAS than anything else.

Ok, now lets back-track to the problem at hand.

TSH has been reduced by the trenbolone , which in
turns signals the thyroid to reduce endogeneously
produced levels of T3 and T4.

This reduction(As Nandi mentioned) causes a VERY
sharp drop in free T3 levels because of the reduction
in both the endogeneously produced T4 and T3.
(Remember that 80% of the free T3 is produced from
the metabolically inactive T4)

These dimished levels of T3,T4 cause Thyrotropin Releasing
Hormone(TRH) to become OVER-STIMULATED.

In essence, this is your bodies feed-back loop to reduced
thyroid hormones, due to a GLUCO-CORTICOID suppresive
effect. This is however NOT like hypothyroidic patients
who have a naturally defective(or damaged) thyroid.

When TRH becomes over-stimulated the net effect is
a VERY sharp increase in prolactin levels.

Critical here.....


Now, herein lies the problem. Everybody is bio-chemically
different, therefore the TRH increase is EXTREMELY

While someone will stimulate TRH say X% and ultimately
cause a rise in prolactin of say Y% with a daily
dosage of 50mg ED of Fina, another person will
cause a 2X% rise in TRH and 2Y+% rise in prolactin
which will invariably lead to gyno.

This is just genetics. Nothing can be done about this.

However, there are ways to combat prolactin-elevations:

This btw, HAS TO BE EXACT. If you over-dose you cause
a progestenic shift due to severely inhibited prolactin levels,
or if you under-dose you run the risk of getting prolactin
induced gyno.

As a note: PROGESTERONE does NOT, I repeat NOT come into
play with Fina at all. It only becomes into play when you're
trying to inhibit prolactin synthetically.

The only thing that can combat Fina-induced Gyno is:

One 2.5mgs Bromocriptine broken down to 1.25mgs 2X/day
AM and PM.

Thats it.

No Vitex/Nolva/Clomid/Arimidex or whatever. They don't
work for Fina.