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  1. #1
    Motobro's Avatar
    Motobro is offline Junior Member
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    which needles and filter...vial?

    I am going to be sucking gear out of sachet packets, filtering it and putting it in 10 ml vials for my own use. Instead of storing it in a syringe.
    Can somebody spell out for me exactly what I need? and go through it step by step. Maybe a link or somethin ?
    1) what size syringe and or needle to suck gear out of package.
    2) appropriate filter.
    3) 10ml bottles.
    4) appropriate needles for sucking gear out of bottle and injecting.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Feb 2003
    This is kinda in the wrong forum and you could find this information by yourself very easily, I am somewhat thinking that you are not prepared for aas considering this is all something you should have known from research and just common knowledge(I could be wrong though).

    How much is in each sachet?? How many sachets do you wish to filter??
    I would use a syringe that can hold atleast the content of a complete sachet.
    I would use a 21 or 18 gauge needle to draw the gear from the sachet.
    An appropriate filter would be any PVDF or PTFE filter(ex. Millipore, Whatman, etc. . .) with a pore size of .20µm.

    You could draw out the gear from the vial with a 18 gauge needle but most choose a thinner needle for example 21gauge.

    step 1: put your sterile needle on you sterile syringe.
    step 2: wipe the part of the sachet that you will be piercing with an alcohol swab, then pierce the sachet and suck up the gear.
    step 3: Remove the needle from the syringe and place the filter on instead, put a new needle on the filter outlet.
    step 4: swipe the vial top with an alcohol swab, put in your needle with the filter and syringe connected on it, also put a sterile needle through the top of the vial to vent it, otherwise you won't be able to fill the vial because of the pressure
    step 5: push on the syringe slowly and keep applying pressure until the needle inside the vial starts ro slowly drip out the filtered gear. Once filtered until the vial is somewhat filled(10ml) pull out the syringe with the filter and needle connected to it and also remove the venting needle.

    And you are done.

    Seriously though I tend to think that you are higly unprepared for the use of AAS. This is really the absolute basic and is just logic to. You should research more before you use the cycle, this way you can get the best out of it. Everyone around here is willing to help, but sometimes there advice does not correlate with what you want but still most of the time it is the best choice you can take.
    Hope you wait with the AAS and do some more research around here.
    If I am wrong and you have extensively researched AAS before this post, please forgive.


  3. #3
    Motobro's Avatar
    Motobro is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Shaggy for spellin it out for me. I have searched the site and could not find a post that details the procedure with the sachet packets. I want to do it right the first time w/out f***in it up. I like to learn from the mistakes of others, not my own. This is for a cycle that I wont get to until the end of the year.
    thanks again

  4. #4
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Feb 2003
    Well I am glad to see that you are waiting before doing this. Meanwhile keep on researching, this site is a great place for learning, and everyone is more than willing to help, you just have to know how to ask.

    Glad I helped.


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