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  1. #1
    Tbucket's Avatar
    Tbucket is offline Junior Member
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    So far so good, but it is the first day afterall

    Ordered my clen from Lion late Thursday, got it yesterday, used it this morning and .........DAMN, bouncing all his morning......LOVE IT.....was worried about if I would feel anything similair to the ECA I have taken in the past and received good results, but if If clen works as well as some have said, this is an exciting day....looking forward to it, thanks brotha

  2. #2
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Are you dosing it with the pump or an oral syringe?

  3. #3
    Tbucket's Avatar
    Tbucket is offline Junior Member
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    Syringe...although Im sure the pump would be fine, why take a chance of a pump when you can go with a syringe....BUT has to stop today as the headaches are just too strong, and I never got over 40....painkillers were not helping much (BP was fine, checked in constantly) and was interfering with my ability to do a quality workout.....I guess I figure that my diet and workout regime has more value to my goal than the clen and once it began to disrupt that, I had to quit...think I'll just go back to a ECA stack as the only side effect I had was when I stopped, I was so damn sluggish.....but still functioned....
    Last edited by Tbucket; 02-25-2007 at 03:52 PM.

  4. #4
    juiced up is offline New Member
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    That sucks bro, I got mine from lion too but havent got any headaches at all. Knock on wood. I have been drinking a ton of water and green tea, not sure if thats helping or not... Did you take taurine to ?

  5. #5
    Tbucket's Avatar
    Tbucket is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, got the combo pack, maybe just be one of the people that cant take it......oh well, had to give it a shot

  6. #6
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbucket
    Yeah, got the combo pack, maybe just be one of the people that cant take it......oh well, had to give it a shot
    Sorry to hear that Tbucket. Good luck.

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