Hey all a newbie to the forums and steroid research/ soon to be use, but a long time lifter. I have some questions however.
I am currently 5'8" about 185, around 14% BF

I am looking to get cut, i have pretty much for the most part, all of the muscle i want as of now, and i was wondering if Clenbuterol or Winny would be appropriate for me. In short i am looking to get pretty shredded and would greatly love any advice you guys can give on clen and winny.
Do you have to use clen stacked with a steroid? or can you just use it to get shredded by itself? Oh and i have looked at the clen handbook and FAQ and they were a great help.

My Current workout regime is as follows;
Weight Lifting 4 days/week
Cardio 3 days/week