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Thread: Too many AI's

  1. #1
    thane222 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Too many AI's

    O.K. I am a newbie and doing my best to research information on PCT. One of my biggest questions are about all the AI's that are available. There is letro, liquidex, arimidex , and exemestane. It sounds like they are all chemicals that protect against gyno. From researching them it sounds like letro is the strongest and should be used if you already have gyno. The others all seem the same to me. Are they the same? Should some be used during cycle to prevent gyno? Should some be used during PCT? What are the differences if any. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    taylor26's Avatar
    taylor26 is offline Member
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    Jul 2005
    Arimidex and liquidex are the same thing. You can use either during your cycle tpo help prevent gyno. Letro and exemestane work in the same way, letro being the stronger one. You can use either during your PCT or anytime after cycle to fight against gyno. Nolva does not lower estrogen like the AI's, nolva just works at the receptor to prevent estrogen from having an effect on gyno.

  3. #3
    Blitz777's Avatar
    Blitz777 is offline Associate Member
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    Letro is very strong, and will murder your sex drive. During cycles I always keep letro on hand in case I have to zap any gyno symptoms.

  4. #4
    thane222 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Thanks for all the help. I think I have it figured out.

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