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Thread: Public Apology

  1. #1
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    behind you

    Public Apology

    I just wanted to take a minute and apologize and thank lion for getting my order out (with some extras included) and also to let others that are waiting for late ordes that if you do contact the sales department and lion they will get your order out,

    thanks again, the products are worth the wait

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I have only made the one order from ARR but the experience was a good one. My chems got to me within 4 days and the service was very good. I will be ordering from ARR in the future.

  3. #3
    toobigforyou's Avatar
    toobigforyou is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    Lion always takes care of their customers. Anytime I have had a problem, they take care of it very fast.

  4. #4
    Vader79's Avatar
    Vader79 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2007
    Hey toobigforyou, how is it that you only ever post about ancilliaries available from lion,how good lion is and how much you love his service? Don't you have any other interests that you want to discuss on this forum?

  5. #5
    toobigforyou's Avatar
    toobigforyou is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Vader79
    Hey toobigforyou, how is it that you only ever post about ancilliaries available from lion,how good lion is and how much you love his service? Don't you have any other interests that you want to discuss on this forum?


    In the 3+ years i've been visiting this board, i'm spent plenty of time in other forums bro.. lately i haven't had the time to put into it what i'd like too. If your saying i'm getting paid or something to throw out kudos for, i wish that was the case. I bought cialis from lion years ago, had a boner for 3 days while running deca ..i've been a active customer and supporter of lion and AR-R ever since.

    When i see someone, especially a newer member inquirying about lion, i am more than willing to put my .02 out there everytime. Plus it builds my postcount, since i don't spend as much time on the boards anymore

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