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Thread: nova in stock?

  1. #1
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    Question nova in stock?

    when are you going to have nova back or are you. I have some coming from overseas but the earliest date in the tracking #section says the 22nd and i been feeling my chest everyday, no not for fun, lol any how i just found what feels to be a small lump, maybe in just a nervous cat but my nipples are a bit soar, not even really soar just MAYBE sensitive then normal if that but this gyno scars the hell out of me and i want some nova NOW god forbid i gte gyno. i have clomid but from what i read wont do the trick? i ordered from ya and got my clen in like 2 or 3 days GREAT, how about nova? unless clomid will work for gyno, maybe not even guyno but i want to take a low daily dose to make sure it don't happen, the thought of gyno scares the shit out of me and hitting test e at 1000 for first few weeks and then 750 next few weeks till rest arrives i think i out to be safe then sorry so when do you think you will have nova in stack again, i cant believe your fast shipping!

    this is lions thread right?
    Last edited by fatherof6; 04-14-2008 at 07:28 AM. Reason: think i have this is wrong spot?

  2. #2
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
    SaSqUaDgE is offline Senior Member
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    you could get the Liquidex is arimidex im pretty sure that helps gyno

  3. #3
    OnT's Avatar
    OnT is offline Associate Member
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    You sure its the same thing?

  4. #4
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    I need to get some nolva as well as exemastane.

  5. #5
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    if you need to clear up gyno, you should try letro, its in stock and is very potent stuff do a search there is a lot of info on here about it, I have just started using it myself to help with gyno that has just surfaced I am on my second day of dosing I will keep you in touch.

  6. #6
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by grec79 View Post
    if you need to clear up gyno, you should try letro, its in stock and is very potent stuff do a search there is a lot of info on here about it, I have just started using it myself to help with gyno that has just surfaced I am on my second day of dosing I will keep you in touch.
    let me know man i have nipples thjat are soar just a tiny tiny bit and the nop[ples look a tiny tiny bit b******...this scraes the hell out of going to order the liquidex and the letro both, i am taking no chanmges with this,,.,...ill get them both and ill let you mknow let me know how ytou are going...also let me know what your signs are.....mine are slightly soar nipples and slighlty inlarged just a bit but i notice that even gyno? no lum,ps that i can feel at all.....

  7. #7
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    i have the same symptoms that you do , and I feel as if the Letro is making it a litlle better already and its only day 3

  8. #8
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    well shall i use the letro or liqidex or both. i have nova on the way but it will be a few weeks and i want to order from lions now. i can get both liqadex and or letro. i am going to run nova and clomid and letro for pct on my test, winni, deca cycle so i was wondering if i should get the liqadex to be safe now or just run low low doses of the letro now to keep gyno symptoms down. and then run the letro/nova/clen for pct full dose?

  9. #9
    Test-Prop604 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherof6 View Post
    when are you going to have nova back or are you. I have some coming from overseas but the earliest date in the tracking #section says the 22nd and i been feeling my chest everyday, no not for fun, lol any how i just found what feels to be a small lump, maybe in just a nervous cat but my nipples are a bit soar, not even really soar just MAYBE sensitive then normal if that but this gyno scars the hell out of me and i want some nova NOW god forbid i gte gyno. i have clomid but from what i read wont do the trick? i ordered from ya and got my clen in like 2 or 3 days GREAT, how about nova? unless clomid will work for gyno, maybe not even guyno but i want to take a low daily dose to make sure it don't happen, the thought of gyno scares the shit out of me and hitting test e at 1000 for first few weeks and then 750 next few weeks till rest arrives i think i out to be safe then sorry so when do you think you will have nova in stack again, i cant believe your fast shipping!

    this is lions thread right?
    The more you touch your nipple the more you irritate it and it can cause the process to happen much quicker good luck

  10. #10
    maroZ's Avatar
    maroZ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherof6 View Post
    well shall i use the letro or liqidex or both. i have nova on the way but it will be a few weeks and i want to order from lions now. i can get both liqadex and or letro. i am going to run nova and clomid and letro for pct on my test, winni, deca cycle so i was wondering if i should get the liqadex to be safe now or just run low low doses of the letro now to keep gyno symptoms down. and then run the letro/nova/clen for pct full dose?
    if your trying to reverse the gyno just use letro by its self, its the strongest out of all of them

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