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Thread: this game

  1. #1
    bombtrack is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Cool this game we all play

    this is a hypothetical situation-I placed two orders close to each other from someplace. I never recieved either order I had goten stuff from them before no problem. this time both packages did'nt show up. either did any papers!
    I got in touch with the company and they reshipped $900.00usd worth stuff to me all on my word! I was shocked!one order was only about 40days old. here's what I'm wondering are some customs guys walking around 20 pounds heavier thanks to this,if they aren't sending paperwork in some cases,or if this was a test by the co. to see how I would handle the situation?
    Last edited by bombtrack; 05-06-2008 at 04:48 PM. Reason: osted before finnished

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