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  1. #1
    cboyz31 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008

    T-bol cycle only - newbie lookin for help

    It's my first time using, and I just wanted to know, if I were to do a 3 week cycle - first week 20 mg, 2nd 30 mg, and 3rd 20 mg then take a week off before the next three weeks because of a week vacation, how bad (or pointless) that would be.

    Need some help, and don't want to end up wasting the turanabol if it's really worthless to do a 3 week cycle. Thanks

  2. #2
    torres9's Avatar
    torres9 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    whats your stats height weight bf and age and i would say that it would be a waste of time and your first cycle depending on your stats being ok would be a test only cycle

  3. #3
    cboyz31 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    well the thing is I'm only really looking to do this one 6 week cycle, but now that my vacation is interfering with the 6 weeks I wasn't sure whether or not I could come home and continue without the whole process being distorted.

    Im 20 185 about 6'0, not exactly sure about my body fat, im pretty muscular already but Im not really ripped around my stomach region, so I do have some fat on me I guess.

    I bench about 185 (weak chest, which is kinda why I'm doing this)
    I curl 40's 10 reps 4 sets
    (Don't really know what else you mean by stats - sorry I told you I'm a newbie)

    But anyways I have talked to people that have taken strictly T-bol and good high protein diet and by the third week they experienced serious boosts in strength and even a little more muscle weight. So I want to do it definitely, and I would be able to come back and do a 4 week cycle after my return to finish up. But I just wasn't sure if the week off of lifting heavy would kill me or not.

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