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  1. #1
    enigma10's Avatar
    enigma10 is offline Member
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    My ARR Clen Review 2 of 10.

    ok so far its going good but i think i hit a plateau in my cyle of Clen , lets work backwards.

    here's my cycle 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 80, 80, 100, 100, 100, 100, 120, 120, 100, 100, 80, 80, 60, 60, 40, 40.

    the above should cover 3 weeks, technically its 2 weeks and the other days are for cycling off rather then just stopping at 120. right now im on day 13 at 120mcg and i don't feel wired like i use to when i took 40 or 60 mcg i would be jumping around the room and when it was time for bed forget it , so one would thing if i raise my dosage that it would be worse....nope in fact i feel drowsy and graugy during the day when im on my high dose.

    i think it might be due to my receptor's going south or my body is just getting tolerate to it , but on day 6 i took benadryl to help me sleep and when i took my dosage in the AM the next day it flet like my first day of taking clen, it kinda felt like my body was starting from scratch,.

    ive read and heard that its ok to take benadryl every so often but not every day when im on clen, so today is my second time and my AM dosage is 120mcg , i wonder how ill feel .

    ok so here's how it is so far, i have cramps, no headaches, not shaking as much, and can sorta sleep but not sleep like i use to. and i dont get hungry as much, ive lost some good weight so far but its hard to tell if its the clen or my diet that i started before that might be doing allot of the weight loss, the best thing so far is im focused but not all shaking and acting like i have ADD like when i first took it, just started doing cardio recently , didnt do cardo the first 1.5 weeks till just recently.

    side note, usually when i eat allot my stomach bulges out and when i get some good sleep it goes away ( normal ) wellll its been the same for the past 5 days and i think its because i haven't been getting well enough sleep, so im hoping to sleep over my normal schedule to get everything back to normal.

    ill keep everyone posted.
    Last edited by enigma10; 07-28-2008 at 10:48 PM.

  2. #2
    sm15 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2008
    the headaches and such i've heard will subside once your body adjusts. The key is to take your temp everyday that will let ya know cuz its suppose to raise your body temp.

  3. #3
    enigma10's Avatar
    enigma10 is offline Member
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    San Diego CA
    that is true the headaches have gone and now its just shaking and my body temp has gone up.

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